Monday, September 23, 2013

The Surprise Reveal, 58 Seconds Of True Joy

Remember how I said that Will had a second part of his trip?

It was to surprise his mom!

You see, she has Breast Cancer, so she needs all the positivity and love she can get.

After missing not one, but TWO planes that morning {sign of a good Bachelor weekend, me thinks}, his sister picked him up from Orlando and they headed to Palm Bay.

I dare you not to tear up at this video, and don't just scroll over it. It is WORTH the watch.

We are so blessed to have such an amazing and strong woman in our lives, and we know that she will come out of this okay. She is a survivor.


  1. Such a touching video, his trip is see her is going to do so much for her.

  2. What a great video! So awesome he got to visit with her.

  3. What a great video! So awesome he got to visit with her.

  4. Excuse me while I wipe away my tears! His mom looks good, praying for her.
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for making me ugly cry bright and early this morning!! But that is awesome, he's a good guy (:

  6. So precious and sweet. CUE TEARS!

    Great job WILL!


  7. I just got chills all over! This is incredible!!! XO

  8. How sweet!! What a blessing that he got to surprise her!

  9. How sweet. I remember going to chemo with my mom and just sitting as she got her radiation, it was such a bonding time for us. Prayers!

  10. oh this is so sweet!! you are all are just amazing.

  11. OMG!! As I sit here in tears, I'm at a loss for words. My mother is currently camping out at Hospice with her mother, waiting for her to pass away. It's been two days since they have taken her off medication that gave her a blood pressure and while we have all said our goodbyes and told her it's okay to leave, all I can think of is how my poor mother must be be feeling-- having to let go of her mother.. especially since my mother has cancer in the lymph nodes herself. Thank you for sharing this. My heart AND PRAYERS go out to Will's Mom!! XOXO

  12. What a sweet video...and a sweet husband you have. So glad he got to spend some time with his mom!

  13. that video broke my heart in the sweetest way. Will is a good man to surprise his mama. sending love and prayers your way!

  14. OMG!!! HOW SWEET!!!!!!! Makes me tear up!!

  15. aww, that is so sweet!! i hope his mom pulls through (:

  16. Sooo incredibly sweet. My heart goes out to her and your family.

  17. WOW! That video was just what we needed to see! Totally teared up! That's just the sweetest thing. Sending prayers and good thoughts her way.

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  18. Wah I definitely teared up. That's a great surprise.

    Wishing her the very best!

  19. Definitely teared up as well, then watched two more videos of surprise homecomings and was a hot mess of ugly crying, so glad he got to surprise his momma!

  20. gah! What a heart melter!!! She was so surprised and overjoyed, how sweet of him!!!

  21. What a beautiful video :) My mom is a breast cancer survivor, and I know how much it meant to her when we came to visit (we lived in another state when she was getting treatment). It does wonders for their soul, and I'm glad to see she's moving around well and looks like she's pretty strong. Sending prayers for her healing. This video just makes my heart happy :)

  22. Aww... this made me cry! It's obvious how overwhelmed and excited she was to see him! So sweet! What a great lady!

  23. Not only did I get teary eyed....chills were all over my body!! Please keep us posted on her health...prayers being said now!!

  24. I just teared up. What a precious video. My grandmother is a proud survivor of breast cancer, I'll send a prayer up for your MIL.

  25. Goodness. You win. My eyes got wet! This is so beautiful! So sweet of him!

    All my love! xoxoxoxoxo

  26. *chills* This is the sweetest thing ever and definitely something to cherish forever!

  27. Sending prayers her way! What a beautiful moment!!


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