Wednesday, September 18, 2013

That Time I Got All Up In A Guys Face

Back Story:
My friend Chassity had her Birthday party at a bar called BooDad's two weeks ago. The food is good, they have volleyball courts, and there is a lot less drama than the downtown area. Or so we thought.

So there we were playing volleyball when this dude tries to join in on the shit talking banter. Unfortunately, this guy who also happened to be a soldier, couldn't take a joke and thought it would be a good idea to bow up to Will. I don't know why he thought it was a good idea considering we knew at least half the bar, but he started hootin' & hollerin' anyways, while Will just laughed in the dude's face. Thank goodness Will doesn't need to prove himself by fighting or the guy would have been on the ground before he knew what was comin'.

Now as this was happening, all I could think about was the fact that we don't need Will getting in trouble right now. The last thing I needed was for this guy to throw a punch and Will to have to put him in his place. So what did I do? I got in the middle too. 
Normally, I don't recommend this, but...
A) I was NOT letting this guy touch my husband 
B) I had the entire bar on my side 
C) His career was going to be over if he touched me
D) I was laughing in his face too and got a kick out of it.

I'm no fighter, and he could have knocked me right out, but when adrenaline hits, whadaya gonna do? Let's just hope that I don't find myself in another scenario like this. Ever.

Other than that, the evening was a success:

Good times with some of my favorite girls, and as we were leaving, I saw 'the guy' crying on the side of the road. Apparently he picked another fight and got what was comin' to him. Kharma, dude.


  1. Im glad nothing bad happened!
    You look super cute--love your outfit :)

  2. Will definitely did the right thing by not engaging him.

  3. Oh my goodness you are so like me!

    I've gotten all up in people's faces before to defend friends and loved ones. YOU GO GIRL!

  4. Aren't people who have to start fights the worst?! I just hate being around people who start drama with strangers for no reason!
    Side note: you looked adorable and those malibu drinks look delicious!!

  5. Ugh! I can't stand shit starters.. especially when they want to rain on someone's parade and get into someone else's circle. You looked pretty and aren't you just the token wife, getting in someone's face! LOL

  6. No wonder he wanted to join you guys, you're all HOT!!! I'm pretty protective of my guy too...not because I don't need him getting into trouble, but you do NOT mess with my man or anyone in my family for that matter!!

  7. Troublemakers get what they deserve. I have put myself in the middle of things before and been like WHAT AM I DOING but it all turned out well.

  8. LOL! You would think that people like that would learn their lesson. I don't know why, at that age, some people still feel the need to fight... Well, any age, I should say. It's not worth it.

    But glad to see you all had a great time! :)

  9. I hate when people do that. Some people just want to start something for the heck of it.

  10. I seriously cannot stand people like that....they are so miserable with themselves that they have to start shit and make a situation into something entirely unnecessary. glad nothing bad came out of it.

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

  11. What a fun bar! Until the jerks try to ruin it. You got guts girl!! I'm glad nobody had to knock anybody out and that nobody got knocked out.

  12. Looks like such a fun place! Glad it all worked out :)

  13. So glad no blood was shed! Karma has a way to knock a dude down! Glad it was someone else to do it!

  14. you go girl and a bar where you can wear a bikini double score

  15. what was this guy thinking?! Something like this happened to us back in HI days, like you I stepped in the middle...opps. such a crazy night. Glad you all rose above and had a good time despite the immaturity!!

  16. You're awesome! I would have done the same thing! Glad nothing happened though. :)

  17. Yikes! Glad nothing bad happened! Lovin' your dress! :)


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