Friday, September 27, 2013

27 in 27, Update

Boy, am I glad this week is over. Every year I reach this point where I can barely make it through the work day, and we are at that point. I just keep reminding myself, "I love my job, I love my job...", but sometimes certain aspects of my job just push my buttons. Does anyone else get a case of the "F%ck-Its" at certain points of the year?
I'm hoping it's not just me.

Remember when everyone did these fun lists and linked up with Erin?
Well, I figured that it's time to check out our progress on the 27 in 27 bucketlist, since it's about to be my Birthday month *cough, cough* A few things have been adapted, but the essentials have not changed.

...27 in 27...
DONE || IN Process
1. Go to our first Homecoming Ceremony, and squeeze Will until someone pries me off of him! Triple CHECK!
2. Go home to Florida!
3. Spend Christmas with our families.

4. Go to Las Vegas Chicago.
We decided to go on one big trip instead of Vegas. I can only hang for three days in V-Town, so the thought of a week+ sounds awful. Anything over three and my body shuts down.
5. Visit Will's grandparents in Ohio.
6. Visit Royal Gorge and the bridge.

Sooo happy we got to go, because the fires damaged the area this year.

7.  Start moon shinin'.
Technically...we did start it. We have researched and even picked up supplies.
8. Explore Denver more.
9. Make it to the top of the incline.
10. Celebrate Will's Birthday with friends.
11. Take picnics.
12. Get back to cooking, since I will have someone to cook for.
13. Attend our first Ball.

14. Go snowboarding more.
{We went once last year, but three times this year!}
15. Find a yoga class.
16. USE my Nike's.
17. Get Will out on the Pueblo Reservoir.

18. Get the Monte Carlo in top shape.
We aren't completely finished, but I'm amazed at how much we have gotten done this year. We will have her back on the road soon, and to be honest, a project car is never really done. That's the fun of it!
19. Work less, and dedicate myself to our year. 
I am happy to say that I have stuck to four days a week, and just took off twelve days for the last vacation. I haven't had that much time off for a vacation since Europe six years ago.
20. Enjoy the HELL out of MY husband. Excuse my french.

21. Write more.
I would LOVE to participate in NaNoWriMo this year, but work may get in the way of trying to write 50,000 words in one month. Maybe I should just take that month off ;) That's okay, right love? I mean you said I need to 'get to writing', so that you can retire...
22. Get published.
This could happen two ways. I may be in the Hooters Calendar and our Engagement story has made it to the finals of an upcoming Chicken Soup book. I have faith that one or both of these might happen! Cross your fingers.
23. Enjoy my first birthday with Will in three years. Damn training and war.
So far we are on track for him to be HOME for my Birthday!
24. Keep learning about my camera and photography.

And all we have left totally doable:
25. Take the motorcycle on an unplanned day or weekend getaway. 
Just take off and go!
26. Go into the mountains to see the leaves change this fall. 
This may go hand in hand with #25.
27. Visit a Corn Maze and/or Fall Harvest Festival.

If you can't tell, I'm ready for Fall, and it's not just because my Birthday is during this time. I actually dislike my Birthday, so I want to enjoy the season, and then it will be time for my FAVORITE season, winter CHRISTMAS!
Cheers to twenty-seven coming to a close, and I hope we go out with a bang!

Now, I just need to make it through one day of work before my three day weekend. Why, yes, I did give up a day so that I didn't have to work six shifts next week. I'll keep my sanity over the money any day!


  1. WOOP WOOP lady you are a ROCKSTAR!!! keep up the great work!

    I can't wait to see you published somewhere!


  2. based off this list I'm pretty sure we'd be besties IRL. we're about to get our project car moved to our new house and i miss the motorcycle so much. I dont really like winter, only Christmas, after the tree comes down its time for warm weather! I also hate my job at least once a season, nothing specific just gets on my nerves.

  3. I totally experience those just have to keep trudging through. Or give yourself small rewards to look forward to!

  4. I planned on doing NaNoWriMo last year, but never did. I probably won't this year or anytime because I honestly won't be able to do it. Good luck if you do it!!

    When will you find out about the calendar?

  5. I find it interesting that everything on your list, seems doable. On my lists, I always add something that I know most likely won't get accomplished. Maybe it's just to seem ambitious, or hopeful.

  6. Damn you're making some awesome progress on your list :)

  7. I love the one about enjoying your husband! Very important to remember when life gets busy. I definitely need to make this a priority!

  8. If we didn't have family in Vegas I couldn't tolerate it either.

  9. You should go check out the Venetucci Pumpkin Patch! It's always a good one! And not too far from y'all!

    By the way, I am totally in the middle of "I am sick of everything and everyone" moment as well, ready to kick this slump for sure!

  10. I get to the F*&%K it stage near the end of the school year. Actually after spring break I get it. I hate it when it happens, but I'm just so drained by that point.
    You did great on your list!!!! Way to go you!!!!

  11. Great list! So happy your hubby will be home for your birthday! :)

  12. Wow! You have rocked this list! What an eventful year this has been! :)

  13. This is such a great list! I'm glad you were able to complete most of them! Now, get to writing! :)

  14. You've accomplished SO much on your list!! But I'm kinda pissed... I don't remember Vegas being on this list. Next time you can spend a couple days in Vegas then come visit ME! I know I'm so annoying but whatever. If I keep nagging, maybe it'll happen?


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!