Thursday, August 15, 2013

Boys behind the blog Aug 15

Boys Behind The Blog

If you have been around this blog for awhile, you know that my husband is the star character. I'm sorry to admit it, but when he is on the blog, I take a back seat to Mr. Studmuffin. But can I blame y'all for that? No. He's wonderful, and I know it. Hence why I married him- I have good taste.

Case in point:

This is why I just knew that this linkup was a good reason for a visit, and Will was happy to oblige! {He secretly loves it}

The Boys Behind the Blog #3 Questions:

1. What would you do with $1,000,000?
 Buy several properties in Pensacola {to rent out}, and make the wifey quit her job to manage them. Been telling her to do that a while, so that she can travel with me whenever possible. Annnnd maybe sneak a baby in. She probably won't notice, haha.

2. What is your dream job? 
I love my job now, and all the opportunities it affords me and the fam, but I would say ideally it would be a 9-5 that would never make me travel {away from my wife}. For now I will settle for helicopter pilot {the job he's working hard to get}. Tell you what happens come September. ;)

3. Who is your celebrity crush?
I got conned into this question once before when we first started dating. I had watched Summer Catch the day prior, went with Jessica Biel, and I'm sticking with her. You might remember Janna mentioning it her blog not too long ago, haha. I follow it very closely, so I remember ;) 

4. What is your favorite sports team? 
I actually don't like watching sports, which is weird for a lifelong athlete. I just hate the idea of sitting on the couch all day to watch other people play. I'd rather go out and do something myself.

5. What was your AOL/AIM screen name back in the day?
I was kind of a big deal, Super7859. I'm sure you heard of me. Haha!


Dear William,

I'm pretty sure you can't sneak a baby past me...unless you are going to adopt some kid in Africa without my knowledge, but nice try! Let's work on this property management idea...I'm down to work from home ;) and when you are a Flight Warrant you will be bringing home the gravy and bacon, so I will be able to travel with you, hehe. Lastly, thank you for being athletic, I like your sexy body.

PS. I still hate Jessica Biel, and in case you didn't notice she looks NOTHING like me. Harrumph.


  1. You two are one hell of a good looking couple!

  2. Such a cool link up! i'm definitely going to try and get my man to do it!! ps. I agree with her ^^^ you are a very good looking couple!

  3. sneaking in babies, funny. Jesscia Biel, the celebrity everyone (everyone =random strangers) say I resemble. Have y'all ever done relationship advice post together?

  4. Hahah I love that he did this...and that he thinks he can sneak a baby in lol. You've got a good one!
    I hate Jessica Biel too but more so cuz she's got Justin timberlake haha

  5. Hahaha, I hate the girls C likes too. Michelle Rodriguez, Gabrielle Union and Mila Kunis....ummm they all look NOTHING like me, I HATE IT!

    Good luck with Warrant....xoxo

  6. His baby comment is hilarious!

  7. yall are going to make some gorgeous babies... like whoa! and he is just too cute

  8. haha i love this! and for the record, you are prettier than jessica biel

  9. This post is amazing!! Such a cool idea to get to know your hubby and read his point of view!!!

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

  10. Haha I love the baby comment!

  11. Loved reading more about the boy behind the blog. We hear so much about him already! Good luck with the pilot stuff. I don't know what it is but something about a man that can fly a helo sounds very sexy!

  12. I love his answer about not watching sports because he'd rather be out doing something.

    I can totally see you being a property manager!

  13. Not to mention he's ridiculously good looking ;)

  14. That photo of the two of you is so seductive and romantic and just plain fabulous! I love it! Also, I love that he wants to sneak a baby. MEN! ;) Hope you're having fun pretty lady (& Will!) :)

  15. What is it with guys and Jessica Beil! My hubby too! Okay. I do get it...She's definitely smokin and seems pretty down to earth, awesome...I guess she's my celeb crush too, but only in the gym ;)

  16. Aaaaahhhh! Shut UP! I love that Will mentioned a baby (which I'm all for, but you know, you're the one that has to be pregnant so obviously you can't be pressured ;) ha!) I just know your baby would be the cutest EVER! (Let's just hope when you do have a babe, because it's gonna happen, that you have a boy so that he can marry Mia. I'm totally fine with her being a cougar.)
    Crossing my fingers about helicopter pilot! How exciting!

  17. I definitely chuckled at him mentioning sneaking in a baby! You guys would make gorgeous kids, just saying ;D ha ha!
    John isn't a sports fan either!

  18. I totally agree on the Jessica Biel thing. She does have a good body BUT I am sorry....she IS NOT pretty in the face. No look way better than her!

  19. This is so cute! I need to get back on the blogging wagon and have Shaun do this with me :)

  20. This is so sweet! My husband likes Jessica Biel too! I don't get it! Lol.

  21. Bahahaha! His comment about sneaking a baby past you cracked me up!


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