Monday, August 12, 2013

BBQ's Are Totally Worth The Calories

oh boy...
If you are reading this, I hope I'm still alive.
I went to a Birthday party for two friends, and one of them has been trying to get me to drink with her for three years. Why, oh why did I agree to drink on Sunday when I have to work Monday? Sometimes, I set myself up for failure.

The worst part is that I've been trying to lose a few before going on vacation {where I know I will gain a lot}, and I'm practically back to square one after a BBQ and much drinko. I'm going to have to be good until we get to Chicago, since I am totally stuffing my face with pizza there. Compromise people.

I really wanted to look my best when I see the hubby after a month, but at least I know he will love me no matter what. Not too mention, he is incredibly supportive and he is the best motivation to better myself. We don't work out because we think we have to impress each other. We work out because we WANT to impress each other.

We have a contest up in Loveland, Colorado at the end of the month, so I think I'm going to make it a goal to be in shape for that. I KNOW that I will not put myself on that stage if I'm not ready, so it will give me a good goal to maintain. However, I reserve the right to change my mind while on vacation. I want to be positive about eating healthy and working out, so if I have to put too much pressure on myself, then it's just not worth it. I guess we shall see.

Do you try to be good on vacation or do you just have a free for all?

Mal Smiles


  1. I will free for all it or be good depending on the end game.

    If i'm trying to be strict for a reason, I'll tough it out on vacay, but often I use vacation as a reset day to give my body a break.


  2. I usually try to be good, but I let myself go a bit more than I usually would. I usually try to make sure I work out a little bit on vacation so that I'm not just letting everything go all at once!

  3. I hope you had an amazing weekend!!!

  4. typically on vacation I am the worst. i will eat whatever. it was so bad since I was gone for 11 days - even though we walked about 10 miles a day, i was still eating whatever! It's definitely time for me to get back on track!

  5. vacations are so hard! I used to be good on vacations, no matter what, I was just that disciplined with what I ate/craved but that hasn't been the case this past year! I'm so quick to give in and then work it back off. I'm sure you still look amazing and could rock that competition regardless of an extra pizza slice!

  6. After losing 40 plus pounds, I can say that while on vacations, I give myself a little wiggle room, but not a lot. It's a whole lifestyle change, and if I fell off the wagon while on vacation, I would likely not get back ON the wagon when I was done. I would indulge here and there, but not the whole time. It's all about finding the balance :)

  7. I always gain on vacation!! It's usually worth it but I am so annoyed when I get home and see the scale has gone up.

  8. Girl, you should have seen the ridiculous amounts of food I ate this weekend...ugh! And I doubt that the gym is on my agenda....hope your are feeling better and nursing your hangover. THE WORST!

  9. bbqs are my downfall too! You have a comrade. haha

  10. I try to be good you can eat how you want while you are away (:

  11. I can't deal with watching what I eat and drink on vacation... it just ruins the whole experience! So I usually try to eat really good and exercise before and after, to minimalize the damage. I once gained like 10 pounds while traveling around Europe... totally worth it! ;-)

    Sarah @ Life As Always

  12. I try to stick to my work out / running routine on Vacay but sometimes life gets in the way. By doing so I dont feel as guilty for eating out more than normal. But I get so sick of it after a while bc we dont eat out all that often. I do 100% agree though that BBQ's are totally worth the calories bc I LOVE me some good BBQ!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Sometimes you just gotta live a little! But work hangovers are definitely the worst! I'm so excited for you and your hubs to meet up in Chicago soon! <3<3<3

  14. I generally eat whatever I want while on vacation. I figure it's a time to enjoy myself and relax. :) What better way than eating what you want?? :)

  15. A little of both on vacay! So excited you're going to see your love soon. XOXO


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