Friday, June 21, 2013

Just Call Me Mrs. Corporate Trainer.

I have a big smile on my face right now, and this is why:

+ My hubby is home.
I only worked three days this week.
+ The work week is almost done.
+ We had the best time frolicking at Water World.
+ I am now a Corporate Trainer for Restaurants of America, Inc.!

So what does that actually mean?
I am now part of a team that will travel the stores in Colorado to evaluate and retrain the Front of House staff. Our initial training is done in store where a person such as myself, walks trainees through every facet of becoming a Hooter's girl, but our company is taking it one step farther. It's basically a "No Hooter's Girl Left Behind" type thing. It's going to be a big commitment for the next couple months, but I'm due for a new challenge and it's pretty dang cool to be handpicked for the inaugural team.

I wanted to share more pictures from Wednesday, but Photobucket is telling me that I've reached my Bandwidth. If you want to see more, you can find them on Facebook. There you can see why having a waterproof camera is perfect for days like this.

Have any of you dealt with the Photobucket monthly Bandwidth limit? 
What are your tips and tricks?

Now it's time for a fun-filled weekend with my lover, and the first weekend of the Cleanse. Ten days of cleansing and exactly ten days until the Calendar shoot. WhoopWhoop!


  1. Just catching up lover! CONGRATS! That's such an honor and you deserve it!! SO should've got the cleanse! Good luck! Cute pics! We would not survive without our water proof camera either :) Enjoy your weekend love birds! XO

    Kristine -The Foley Fam {unedited}

  2. Congratulation Janna, the girls are going to be so lucky having you to help them out and learn from. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. you'll rock it out lady, best trainer ever!

  4. Congratulations!!! You will do awesome at that job! I think it's because you love your job so much, so you can pass that on to others :)

  5. Yay for you pretty lady! You have a lot to be happy about!

  6. Congrats to you! That is so super exciting!

  7. Yay so exciting love!! I'm sure you will do a great job!
    First fiber drink is far so good (:

  8. Congrats on the job! I knew you would get it. Can't wait to hear more about it! Have a great weekend :)

  9. Congrats! Sounds really fun and exciting!!

  10. congrats!!! this is so awesome! yayyyy!

  11. Here's to new challenges! Congrats on scoring that job, it sounds fun and it's always nice to get out and travel with work! I'm excited for you to do the cleanse, can't wait to hear all about it!!

  12. Congrats beautiful! You 100% deserve this!

  13. Kudos to you, girl! You are movin' on up! Glad they see what a great asset you are. :)

  14. Congratulations chick!

    What's this bandwith BS?

  15. A friends suggestion to me was to create a new account every year since they are free. Also maybe sizing down your photos will help with that as well.

  16. Congratulations on the awesome promotion!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!