Sunday, June 30, 2013

Before and Afters. I Dominated.

I am so happy to be able to say that I DOMINATED this Cleanse. After five months of working out, this was the BEST way to get me to where I want to be.

I actually took this on Thursday, but haven't had a spare moment to take another. I totally planned on wearing the same outfit and making the pictures all pro, but sometimes plans don't work out. Just take my word that I look the same. I basically peaked here, and I'm totally okay with that.

I've learned a lot since this new hobby began, but it has been worth every morning workout, every drop of sweat, and every healthy choice I have made. I know people always give me shit for not having a "ton" to lose, but sometimes loosing a few pounds is harder than losing fifty pounds. I wasn't actually trying to lose weight, but I'm happy I did because now you can actually see the muscles that I have worked so hard to get!

I think I've made it clear that I'm an AdvoFan now, and I am definitely still spreading the word on how great this is. It is extremely mild, you can still eat {clean}, and you are in control of your results. Will ate well with me, which really helped, and we created some awesome new meals that will be sticking around even after the cleanse. I don't "crave" anything anymore, so it definitely reset my system, and working out just made the results that much better. Like I said, YOU are in control of your results!

Here are some awesome meal plan links that I used:

Raven is hosting the link up today and she had amazing results. I'm still getting inspiration from everyone that participated to keep going. I don't know if I can maintain these abs forever, but I can most certainly keep getting my fit on, and fit feels soooo good. Now I'm off to Fort Collins for the day. I will admit that after the shoot...I am totally going to stuff my face. Don't judge me.


  1. You look amazing girl!! I'm definitely going to be trying this cleanse right before our wedding so I can be in the best shape possible! I've been working out like crazy for the last three months and I'm seeing some results, but I think this would push it over the edge! Thanks for reviewing and sharing your pics!

    Good luck at the shoot :)

  2. WOW! You look awesome!!! Good work!

  3. You look fabulous!!! I am going to have to do this after baby. When it's safe.

  4. You look amazing girlie! And I'm with you, losing the last 5 pounds is the hardest, I've been struggling with it lately, ugh!

    Rock it out chica!


  5. Holy moly, girl! Your abs looks like a fitness magazine cover. Great job. You rock.

  6. hell yea girl! You totally dominated!!! You're fitspo all the way!

  7. Dang girl, look at you! Congrats!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  8. You look amazing!! I look nowhere that great haha but still am so happy with my results- I put them up today too (:

  9. You look awesome, you killed it. Great job!

  10. You look so good!!! I would agree... you for sure dominated :)

  11. Yeah, I'd say you dominated all right. You look great! I feel the same way. It is so hard to lose weight when you really only really need (and not even really need, want) to lose a few pounds. Good job!

  12. Great job!! And you ARE right.. sometimes losing just a few pounds when you are fit and work hard at it is the HARDEST! (take it from someone that lost over 230lbs).. you did great!

  13. You are a freaking rockstar! That is just all there is to it! Good luck at the shoot and let's get together soon :)

  14. inspiration!!!!! i feel like my body need some cleansing from eating all the crap for the past week or so. I'm looking in to this. lookin fab, girl!

  15. Wow you look fantastic! It seems like a ton of hard work, but certainly pays off!

  16. Hottie hottie!!!

  17. You look freaking amazing! Congrats girl!! I definitely need to get my butt in gear.

  18. damn girl, you are rocking those abs. i am so jealous of your cute, fit body.

  19. Janna,
    you are a beautiful person. in and out!
    glad that i get to know you through the web :)

  20. You look amazing! Good job, girl!

  21. You look great! Today is my first day on the cleanse and the herbal cleanse drink is so nasty! How did you drink your's?
    Thanks for sharing the meal plan links, that is my biggest issue/fear is what am I going to eat that isn't going to sabbatoge me :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  22. Oh my gosh girl, you look absolutely freaking amazing! I am shorter and thinner (I guess) as well, so people are always giving me grief about watching what I eat and how much I try to exercise. They seem offended that I "worry" about my weight. But 10 pounds on someone my height and weight make a huge difference! I lost 7 pounds on the cleanse and I still have about that much more to go, but I'll get there. Seriously though, you have my ideal body, you look amazing!!

    Sarah @ Life As Always


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!