Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Would You Tattoo Your Head?

Well, hellerrrrrr....
Let's pretend that today is Monday, meaning that I will now give you a weekend update. Sometimes {like this week} the weekend keeps going until Sunday night, so getting a recap done is just not in the cards.

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1. Will ordered me a Tonneau Cover for my truck, and it is awesome.
2. He also made his world famous ribs, so he scored even more brownie points.
3. I somehow hurt my leg, so no running for me for a few days :(
4. Check this dudes tattoo out. BEST EVER.
5. We watched Skyfall and it ended in a hickey fight. Will won.

So, as you can see, the majority of the weekend was pretty chill, and normally we NEVER make plans for a Sunday night {unless Sunday Funday spills into Sunday night}, but this time we couldn't say no. My co-worker Brooke is moving away to be with her soldier and getting married, so we had to go to her going away dinner! Plus it was at Bonefish. I never say no to Bonefish even after I promised myself I wouldn't eat out until after the pageant. Whoops.

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The air was still a little chilly, but we enjoyed the heated patio. It made for the perfect setting.

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Bye Brookie!
We will miss you, but know that you and Lucas are meant to be. Well, you better be since baby Massau is on the way! I kid, I kid. But seriously...Will was taking the picture of us and said, "Everyone say 'Janna's pregnant!" There were a lot of surprised faces, and now there is probably a rumor going around that I'm pregnant. Thanks, love. Haha.

If y'all are interested I may do a little outfit post tomorrow and show off my new boots I got too. I actually LOVED my outfit Sunday night, so I took a few pictures. Humor me?


  1. I love weekend posts!
    Your weekend seemed fun! :)

  2. I love Bonefish :-)

    I want to see your outfit!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love all those pics- and I think the hickey fight was funny! :) Is your leg okay now and what an awesome truck bed cover! :) The pics of you out on the town, gorgeous!

  5. i miss weekend.
    haha, that's tattoo on the head is so funny

  6. That tattoo is great but to answer your question no I would never tattoo my head. Looks and sounds like you had a lovely weekend, hope your leg heals soon hun.

  7. that tattoo is hysterical, what a great sense of humor that guy must have!

  8. that tattoo is hysterical, what a great sense of humor that guy must have!

  9. I would not get a head tattoo but I do want to get one on my inner-forearm soon!!

  10. Friends and a patio is too hard to turn down! sorry about your bum leg :/ I know that's no fun. Your outfit is adrobs, totally want to see the boots!

  11. Looks like a fun weekend!
    New boots?! Oooo, show us!

  12. Outfit post! outfit post! outfit post!


  13. Love eating on the patio and can't wait to see the boots! Oh and did you get the email I sent you last week? Half of the E-mails I send go to spam- which is really annoying so just wanted to make sure!

  14. Aww look at him spoiling you with a bedcover--love it!! You are so cute, I just love your wardrobe!

  15. Looks like a fun weekend! A hickey fight, hmm.. if I wasn't in the process of job hunting, that may be fun! I have 16 tattoos and I would love a half sleeve but I can't say I would have tattoo my head. The only thing that stinks about my tattoos is that I would have to cover them in up the profession that I plan to be in. My hopes is that one day people will just GET OVER them and stop being so pansy about them. I have, however, met a handful of older folks that have commented on my tats (the majority of them are on my forearms).. one of them is my son's actual footprint and it's my fave!! I love when people ask about that one. Anyway-- got off subject here! Heated patios are nice but I don't think I've ever had the "pleasure" of being on one in Pensacola. I hope you have a great week and I'm sure one night of "fun eating" won't throw you too much off track!
    Go Team Janna!


  16. wow that head tattoo!!! and yes i always love your cute outfits so post away!!

  17. I love my Tonneau cover too..best invention! And I love seeing your fashion posts...always gives me new ideas!

  18. How fun! We loved Skyfall, such a good movie! Sounds like you guys had a great weekend :)

  19. I love that tattoo!! Haha it's amazing.

  20. Saying goodbye to friends is always difficult, but glad she's getting to be with her love :) Looks like a super fun weekend!

  21. Such a fun weekend!! NO to head tattoos! That one is pretty darn funny though!!

  22. sounds like a great weekend! Sad your friend is leaving

  23. That tattoo!! Priceless!!! And yay for being spoiled :) Love when u do outfit posts!

  24. That tattoo is definitely a first for me, I never saw anything like it before! Too cool!!! I am so happy you had a great weekend, those ribs look mouthwatering!!!

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

  25. That head tattoo is hilarious! It's so perfect for a bald spot, haha. Maybe my dad should copy it...

  26. My bf should get that tattoo in his head since he's so obsessed with shaving it.
    From what I can tell, your outfit looks super adorable! Sounds like y'all had a fun weekend! :)

  27. Your hubbs is to funny.
    Its so sad and hard when friends move away but thank goodness for all this wonderful tecno we have now-a-days!!!

  28. Maybe that's Will's way of saying he wants a kiddo :). haha. Eating out every now and then is good, especially for as good of a reason as that :)

  29. Aww congrats to your friend on her upcoming marriage. I hope things go well for them with the move!

    If I had a dollar for every time someone announced that I was pregnant, I'd be a rich lady! It's such a joke with our friends... one of these days I really WILL be pregnant and no one is going to believe me because they are so used to all my friends saying I'm pregnant all the time. ;)

  30. Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!! I totally saw a guy in WalMart the other week with that same tattoo! I laughed pretty hard :D Is it sad that I've never heard of a hickey fight? I am using my imagination and figure I know what one of those is ;D HA HA!
    Congrats to your friend and best of luck to them in their move! How exciting :D

  31. "We watched Skyfall and it ended in a hickey fight. Will won."

    This just made my day!


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