Monday, May 6, 2013

Manitou Incline: One Mile Of Stairs

This weekend...we walked up almost 3,000 steps to the top of the Manitou Incline, which is one mile of stairs and a 2,000 foot altitude change. I'm too tired to get wordy with this post, so thank goodness for pictures. I think they speak for themselves, anyways.

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Five of us made it up to the top, but really, you are a team with everyone on the trail. It's as if you are all together, going through the same grueling adventure, and supporting each other until the end. You even photo bomb each other's photos:

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I've been rockin' it out on the stairmaster as of late, but the altitude is what KILLS ya. You already start out at 6,000 feet and then end up at over 8,000. It makes your body work a lot harder, you have less oxygen, and apparently poor circulation. I freaked out when my hands started tingling and I realized that my hands had swollen so bad that my rings were stuck. Here you can compare the during and after pics:

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So why did we put ourselves through this?
A) To say we did.
B) For the PIZZA at the bottom!

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Five miles later (one up and four down), this was heaven:

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I also took an hour and a half nap after, and yet somehow I'm still tired...
I guess it was worth it. Maybe ;)


  1. P.S. I know the exact dates I will be in Denver :-)

  2. That pizza looks amazing!

    well done girlie, I'm proud of you!

  3. Amazing. Nothing seems to be more of a workout then stairs.Way to go. PS the pizza looks delish!!

  4. so cool!! pizza was definitely well deserved!

  5. I'd say that pizza was def worth the hike ;)

  6. Omg how fun!! I would have devoured that pizza!!

  7. Thats awesome!! Looks beautiful! Way to go love!

  8. What a workout!! Looks like a beautiful hike and I bet that pizza at the bottom was the best ever! :)

  9. Haha y'all did EXACTLY what we did the first time we climbed it, ended up at Hells Kitchen Pizza!

    Kudos to y'all for doing it in jeans, I need to go do it again soon, it's been a while!

  10. Awesome job!! And looks like you got a great reward after :)

  11. That is some dedication right there! Whenever I go walking or exercise, I always take my rings off because my fingers swell up like that too. it's crazy and I feel like my fingers end up looking like little sausages! hahaha...the pizza...totally worth it at the end!

  12. That Pizza totally makes it worth it. I love hiking and trails. You always feel such a great sense of accomplishment once you make it to the end.

  13. You killed it!

    The pizza looks worth it, and the photos are worth it too.

  14. Oh wow! Your hands swelling like that is crazy! But I'm so proud of you for doing that! I'd be breathless and likely complaining nonstop ;)

  15. That is awesome!! You guys rock!! And the pizza at the end...well that is total motivation right there!! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  16. What the! Those stairs look unstable. Maybe it was the angle, but either way, GOOD FOR Y'ALL. That's awesome.

    And pizza is always worth the climb and the fall...

  17. Whoooooooa buddy! And I complain about the Bluffs (Pensacola, FL).. I think I would probably die or someone would push me down the stairs due to my complaining. But really, GO YOU!
    I had no idea that altitude caused swelling.. I feel accomplished today already, I learned something new!

  18. ummm, my hands swell on flat land! I'm really in for it! That's quite a hike, you go girl!! A mile of stairs should cover a whole week of exercise, hehe!

  19. Craziness! Could you even walk the next day? How about getting on and off the toilet!? haha Seriously though that sounds grueling!

  20. What an awesome and rewarding hike....I would hike any day for that pizza, yummy!!!!

    xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam

  21. Oh yeah, it was definitely worth it because you did it! And the swelling, eh, it goes away :). Very cool you guys did that though.

  22. You guys look worn out! What a hike.

  23. Naps are the best! What a high but pretty place to go.

  24. That hike looks awesome. I can't wait to come to Colorado again and visit and see all the wonderful sites!!!

  25. That sounds awesome! I wish we had things like that on the east coast. You guys get all the mountains :( And explain this, 1 mile up, 4 miles down, I should get it, but I don't.

  26. What a walk! Looks like a fun experience, though. And that pizza at the end - so worth it all! :)

  27. These pictures are GORGEOUS! I would die, that is for sure. But I'm so glad you did it and shared the pictures with us :) And that pizza sounds amazing right now!

  28. definitely worth it for the bragging rights!


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