Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fun Via My iPhone

This is how I deal with Textemarketers:

 photo IMG_8018_zps8e5d41b8.png

This is how I school my baby brother:

 photo IMG_8043_zps17db57b5.png

Proof of how connected Will and I are:

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Those Boneless Breast commercials got to him. Haha

And perhaps the absolute best:

 photo SexyPics_zps1f912ac6.jpg

Don't text us inappropriate stuff by accident or you are going to totally get called out!

Just some fun for your Thursday. You're welcome.


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHA that's hilarious :)!

    Love your funnies!

  2. I love your telemarketer response! I didn't know there was such thing as texting telemarketers/spam. (I haven't texted in 5 years). Reminds me of my uncle, he loves when telemarketers call because he has a whole bunch of different routines. Sometimes he whispers to them and says, "I have to talk really quietly because I'm not allowed to use the phone. If my wife hears me she'll start beating me again." He's pretty much evil but hilarious.

  3. lol! These are great! I especially love the first one! hahah

  4. KFC = epic when it comes to hubs, nine did Chili's all the time

  5. hehe the picture you sent him is great :)

  6. Hahaha that is hilarious!!! How embarrassing for that fellow ;)

  7. The last one is awesome!

    And some of my best texts are with my brother.

  8. I had no idea that telemarketers texted!

  9. Aww brothers are fun to text with. This reminds me, I should do that sometime soon. I haven't talked to him in a couple of weeks. Gasp!

  10. haha LOVE IT!!

    I've got a good game for you that I learned on ( her blog is cool).. you text someone, "have you seen upsexy at your house lately".. the trick is to get the other person to say what's upsexy? so that you can say back.. not much, what's up with you.
    That's the only PG rated thing I do through text-- not that I do ugly things, I just send gross pics to my best friend.. like of dog poop. She gets off at 6AM after working all night and I'll say something like, how's your morning? I just got up and this is how I look.

  11. The first one is the best haha!

  12. those telemarketing texts are the worst! And they are always so disappointing when you think you are getting a legitimate text message...

    And I love those kfc commercials. I still laugh. every time.

  13. I am going to try this telemarketer thing. I will just say I have a blog friend knows someone that is the chief of police. Be on stand by. Lol

  14. Those are all pretty great! Love the last one :D


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