Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Best Three Years Of My Life.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I get more excited about celebrating our Anniversary than my own Birthday. The only thing you accomplish on a Birthday is not dying, whereas anniversaries mean that you can celebrate another year of love, loyalty, and devotion.

I told a friend today, that I felt like Will and I have been together forever, and yet I feel like he swept me off my feet just yesterday. His response was "Just wait until you get to fifty years. I can tell that he will still be giving you butterflies." I took that as a compliment, and I knew he was right.

...Year One...

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...Year Two...

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...Year Three...
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My love,
          You have taken me on an adventure that I never imagined, and although it poses more hardships than a "normal" life, all that matters is that we face life together. With you by my side, I know that it will all work out, and have learned that {even if it takes a little coaxing ahem*iPhone update} you will always come to my rescue and that together...there is nothing that can stop us. 

I didn't know what real love was until I met you, I didn't know how to take life as it comes until I met you, I didn't know how amazing life could truly be...until I met you.

           I don't have to say "we've made it to three years", because that makes it seem like a chore, and our marriage is not a chore. It's as if life is easier, more fun, and simply complete since we have been married. As we learn more about each other, create more memories, and strengthen our bond, I realize that we are so incredibly blessed, and that we get to have this for the REST of our lives. How did we get so lucky?

          To the man who still opens my door, checks the coffee pot in the morning, washes the dishes, walks on the outside when we walk down the sidewalk, allows me to take 1,000 photos, CAN COOK, encourages my blogging, makes me laugh, and loves me more than I thought anyone ever could...I hope you know that you make it impossible not to love you, and you are ohsosexy to top it off ;) Happy Anniversary, lover.

Your Ever Loving Wife
PS. I love you.


I also must check in for Day 2, as well.

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I took my Magic Bullet to work, and even my co-workers were impressed with how good a green smoothie can taste. This one was super easy, and I allowed me to try freezing the yogurt first. I think it made it even more creamy, and I was lovin' the tropical tones on my tongue. It was great in contrast with the snow we had going on outside. {Yep, even MORE snow this Spring}

In case you need some more inspiration, find some out of this world recipes here:

Kristine || Katherine || Ashlee || Hope || Sally || Jezz

Happy Wednesday everyone!
I know I will have a good day, because I'm all full of mushy gushy love ;)


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Happy anniversary, friend! So happy for you guys! Love getting to see you guys celebrating each wonderful milestone along the journey! :)

  2. Happy anniversary!! You two are so adorable.

  3. you guys are seriously the cutest. michael and i have been together for 8 years and i love him more everyday!!

  4. Aww Happy Anniversary!!! :) You guys are adorable together.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Such a good-looking couple!


    LOVE this post! It's so happy, and gushy and fun and loving, just like y'all. I love how happy y'all are together and how you still LOVE on each other. You seriously are a role model couple.

    I hope C&I can be just as happy as y'all in three years!

    LOVE YOU! Happy Anniversary!


  7. How are you soo gorgeous!? Happy anniversary!

  8. This is sooo sweet!! Happy 3 Years to you and your hub! I know there will be many, many more :)

  9. So precious :) Love that last picture of yall!

  10. This is so sweet! I love that you guys get so many pictures together too. I need to get better at that!

  11. Well, I have BIG chills. Happy anniversary and here's to amny more!

  12. You two are like King and Queen of the blogging Prom and I freaking love it! Happy Anniversary Janna & Will!!

  13. Happy Anniversary you little love birds!!

  14. Such a lovely post, happy anniversary!

  15. This was the most precious letter ever! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU LOVE BIRDS!!!

  16. So sweet!! Happy anniversary to you both!!

  17. Awww, so sweet and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I think it's great to have that "I've known him forever" but he still makes me giddy feeling.
    Love your pics together :)

  18. Aww, you guys are such a cute coupe! Happy three years!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  19. Happy Anniversary!!!! It's amazing when everything seems to fall into place and fit so perfectly together. Here's to three years and many more!!!!!

  20. happy anniversary.

    you make me so jealous it is kind of ridiculous.

  21. I absolutely loved this post!! It is so true about celebrating is actually something to celebrate! Congrats to you and your hubby!

  22. I love this post! So sweet and real! And I love even more how he said if you think this is good, wait until 50 years - so sweet!

  23. Happy anniversary, lovebirds!!

  24. This is all kinds of adorable :) Your pictures radiate love... congratulations on 3 years - here's to many, many more!

  25. Happy anniversary! You two are just too darn cute and perfect together!!

  26. beautiful just beautiful!!
    Happy anniversary chica!

  27. This is the sweetest post ever! what a testimony :)

    xo, Katherine

  28. Love this! An Anniversary does have a far greater sense of noteworthiness (made that word up) to it...another year of love, romance, and devotion. :) Happy Anniversary!

  29. Congratulations on three years!!! You guys look great together and I can tell that you truly love each other and treat each other well--that definitely makes for an excellent marriage!

  30. This is such a precious post.. I just adore it! Congrats on 3 years later 50 years will be here before you know it!

  31. This is such a sweet post, happy anniversary ♥

  32. What a great post! The love that you have for your Husband and the joy you get from your relationship is contagious! Thank you for spreading that!

  33. awww!!! Love your love letter to him, you two are so cute! Happy Anniversary and cheers to many more years!

  34. Oh how I love this! You know I'm obsessed with the love you and Will share :) Happy Anniversary!!

  35. I don't think I could love you two anymore. My favorite couple & the hottest!! So happy for you guys! Here's to decades together! Congrats Will & Janna!!

  36. Awe, sooo sweet. Love this! Happy 3 years. I hit that as well this year too, we'll celebrate every year together... lol :) So glad Will was home to celebrate with you!!

  37. Happy days of celebrating. I mean there's so much hotness going on between you two you should be only fighting about who's better looking.

  38. So sweet! Happy (belated) Anniversary! :)


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!