Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mother's Day Is Just Around The Corner

Have you fallen in love with Kaitlyn from Wifesessionals yet?
She happens to be living in Colorado Springs close to me, and she is JUST as awesome in real life as she is on the blog. She has a series called I Wanna Know and you will find yours truly participating today, so go check it out. Well, after I let you in on a surprise!

Remember the Origami Owl necklace that I got to review?
Well, Tiffany thought that you all might be looking for a present for your Mommas for Mother's Day or just yourselves, so she is allowing me to give away a $50 credit!!
You know you want one...

 photo OragamiOwl1_zps477cb75f.jpg

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I actually feel bad about blogging after yesterday's events, but alas...the world must go on.

Source: google.com via Janna on Pinterest

My thoughts are heavy on Boston, though. Remembering the time I spent there, hoping to not find any bloggers that I know in that area affected, and hoping that the victims and their families find some solace. It is just hard to wrap our heads around this senseless act.

We LOVE you Boston!


  1. I *think* I'm going to make my mother and mother in law jewelry from my Etsy shop.

  2. I gave my mom one for Christmas this past year!

  3. Would make a great present for my SIL for her first mothers day!!

  4. Since my Mom passed away I always get a gift for my sister now she has filled that role. Not sure what I will get her just yet nor my mother in law either.

  5. I am really loving the Origami Owl idea...I want to make one for my mom, and then matching ones for my sisters and I. That would be a great gift!

  6. I am going to get her daffodils (her favorite) and go to brunch!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  7. My mom doesn't wear necklaces, so I would keep it for myself :-)

  8. I love those necklaces! They are super cute! I would love for my husband to get me one for Mother's day. :)

  9. I have seen there recently!! They are super cute gonna talk the hubby into makin me one Janna!!

  10. I got one of these for Christmas, I love it!!

  11. think i'm gonna get my mom a new watch!


  12. Sounds bad but I'd probably get myself something because Super cool :)

  13. Honestly I would wear this more than my mom. She is too into her Pandora bracelet right now :P

  14. I'd probably get it for myself. It's so cute!!!

  15. I am going to buy something for my mom.

  16. i think i am going to take my mom to santa monica for the day for shopping & then hotel at night. she's been wanting to do that for awhile. btw you look GORGEOUS in that picture! LOVE you gf!

  17. I hate to say it but I bet I'd buy something for myself! Sorry, Mom!

  18. I get presents this year and I get to buy my mama some

  19. These are the neatest necklaces. little reminders of love.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!