Wednesday, December 5, 2012

When A Soldier Comes Home...

Today, I want to give you a little perspective.

When a soldier comes home, he finds it hard...


Go forth...and be merry.
They sacrifice so that you can lead a normal, enjoyable life. Don't disappoint them by not living up to your potential. Just so you know, your potential is to be happy; that is true success.


  1. Ah I just cried my eyes out. Love this.

  2. What a great remindar Janna.

    I try to only say 'thank you for your service' to all those I see in uniform.

    I am guilty of complaining about many of those above, thank you for the perspective.


  3. What a amazing reminder of what these guys go through over there.

    Thank you for sharing this!

  4. Definitely a good perspective and to remind ourselves of this when we get so worked up over trivial things

  5. Great post Janna, and such a wonderful reminder for the soldiers that are coming home and we can't just forget they just got home from a "job". Just love your posts.

  6. Amen, sister. Amen. Love you and this! Hope you are enjoying your time with Will! XO

  7. YES! Such a good reminder. Thank you!! You have the best posts.

  8. Love this post, Janna! Such a good reminder.

  9. Soooo many things that we take for granted! This is a good reminder of how blessed we are.

  10. ...and for how grateful we need to be to our soldiers for working so hard and long for us.

  11. Well said!
    Thank you and your husband for your service.
    HUGS and safety to both of you!

  12. Love this. Thank you for posting.

    Most of us don't really understand what a "bad day" really is... but our boys in uniform, unfortunately, have a whole different perspective on it.

  13. This is amazing!! Thank you for posting this.

  14. Thank you for posting this!

    It's so hard sometimes for other's to understand what our husbands go through, or how they may be feeling when they get home. While I'm understanding to those who don't have a clue, and for them a 2 weeks business trip IS hard, don't ask me to be sympathetic.

    Sometimes all we need is a little perspective ;)

  15. Thanks Janna... it's really helpful to read things like this, because I never know how to express my gratitude towards those who serve.

    So proud of our men and women serving!

  16. This got me!! My soldier deploys soon :( excited for you that yours is home!!

  17. Perfect post. Thanks for sharing!

  18. I love things like this. I've seen one similar to this in an email and it's sooooooooo true.

  19. Love this! Thank you for the reminder.

  20. When I moved back to the States for college after having lived in a 3rd world country for my teen years I had a really difficult time with reverse culture shock. I had seen poverty, starvation, disease, and death on a regular basis. I had lived in a place where there was no freedom of religion or speech. Coming to the States (and especially entering college with thousands of 18-19 year olds) was really difficult. I didn't understand the obsession with material things and the way my classmates acted so entitled really drove me up the wall. It was such a different world and probably took at least a year if not more to really adjust. Anyway, by no means am I saying that what I experienced was like being a soldier in the Middle East (I mean my life was seldom in danger), just that in a small way I get some of the things he may go through. Thankfully he has you by his side to help him work through things!

  21. This is something that should be posted EVERYWHERE!


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