Friday, November 16, 2012

One Of Those Days...

I am happy to say that I am sleeping in my own bed tonight, but it wasn't easy getting there.
The day started off easy enough; room service, an hour by the pool, and even a little shopping, and yet, it didn't take long for all of that to turn sour.

First, my flight was delayed to Atlanta.
Even though I knew I wouldn't make my connection, I figured I might as well make it that far. In the rush, I made it all the way to the gate before I realized that I had left a $75 Macy's gift card in the rental car. I had a feeling that they would claim it wasn't there, and still I gave them the benefit of the doubt. When they told me they would "call me back", I went ahead and called Macy's and had the card blocked. I am sooo happy I pulled that receipt out of the gift bag because I never got that callback. If only I could be there to see their face when they try to use it and get DENIED. Loser.

My flight landed at 5:57 and the next was at 6:03, but I hustled over anyway, only to watch them pull the gangway from the plane. It seriously hurt my heart to watch them taxi away without me. I knew that there was no other flight to Colorado Springs for the day and that Denver was oversold.

Three Delta reps, a few tears, and some finagling later...I had a seat on the flight to Denver!
Not only that, but I got a taxi voucher from Denver to Colorado Springs, and recruited two ladies that needed a ride too. They halved the Gratuity with me, and made me feel more safe. Come to find out, their son/grandson had just gotten back from Afghanistan too, which made me feel extra good about helping them so that they didn't get stuck. Kinda makes it all worth it I guess. Sometimes "those days" just happen, and Perception is Everything ;)

Now it's time for me to sleep.
Work is noooot going to be fun tomorrow.
Have a great weekend all!


  1. Some rental car people, and Valet are the worst for taking stuff out of our cars! I hate that! Sunglasses, phone chargers! So annoying!
    Glad you blocked yours!



  2. that does not sound fun! but glad you got that carded blocked! I'd be so mad to miss out on $75 to shop!

  3. Sorry you had to deal with all that but glad you made it home safe!

  4. Ughhh airport nightmare's are the worst. Glad you are home! Hopefully you have the weekend off to recouperate after your long day today!

  5. I always get serious anxiety when I have to fly, I'm always scared that I will miss my connection. So glad you made it home safely. :)

  6. oh man! Sounds like a crazy trip home. I am so glad that you are safe and that you still have your $75 worth at macys. Dont you just wish people would do the right thing? Karma to that taxi company for not calling you back. Happy thanksgiving week my love! PS- we find out what we are having Monday!

  7. I'm glad you are home safe an sound. Glad you blocked the card but sorry you lost that $.

  8. Shady rental car people. I'd love to see their face too when they go to try to use the card! Hahaha! Janna - 1, losers - 0

    Glad everything with your traveling worked out!!

  9. omg, you had several stomach drop moments in your day. everything does work out, but man is it tough some days!

  10. Gosh the ending of this story made me so happy! Everything happens for a reason :)

  11. So glad you got that gift card blocked!! Traveling is hard enough without having things go wrong. You poor thing! Glad you made it back safe. Rest up.

  12. When if rains it pours doesn't it. I'm glad to hear you've made it home safe and sound!!

  13. Glad you're home. Sleep well lovely

  14. OMG. Missing a flight is one of my worst fears. I've only done it ONCE (and I have flown A LOT) and that was in Hawaii (island to island) so there was another one 20 minutes later. But every time I have a trip coming up I have a recurring nightmare about not making it.
    Glad to hear you are home. :)
    I'm sure you'll kick work's ass.

  15. aw that is a great that everything worked out ok! missing flights can be SO SO SO annoying!!!!
    but i am happy you had a safe trip and that everything worked out in the end :-)

  16. You are a rock star girlie! Way to be a smarty pants and block the card!

    Glad you were able to make it home safe and sound too! xoxo

  17. You poor thing! What a run around!! I am so glad it worked out and your got home!!! Where there is a will there is a way!! :)

  18. I'd have never thought to block the gift card. Didn't even know you could do such a thing.

  19. That sounds just like what happened to me back in May! I hate Airports! So much anxiety! Glad you made it home safe. :)


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