Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Need To Recap Before It's Too Late

Instead of overloading you, I will simply highlight the important parts of Baltimore.
You are welcome.

#1 Food. 
I love food, I love eating out, I love eating authentic Thai, and I love eating at Founding Farmer's, which is my favorite restaurant in D.C. Anyone heard of it?

The other restaurant I must recommend is my friend Nat's restaurant, aptly named Thai Restaurant. It is located in Baltimore and Nat's mom is still cooking her authentic Thai food after thirty years! I didn't even know there was such a thing as fried rice topped with crab, but I guess that makes perfect sense in Baltimore. All I know, is that it was yummy.


#2 Sightseeing


See the pic in the bottom right corner? 
This guy offered to take the picture for Todd and I, thinking we were a couple, and I replied, "Okay, but my husband can't see this." If only I had a picture of his face! It was so hard to not bust out laughing right in front of him. Poor fella.

#3 Hurricane Parties


I would be the one that plans a trip only to find that a hurricane will be heading the same direction. It's because I didn't get flight insurance. NEVER fails when Murphy's Law steps in.
Still, the Floridian in me came out when I heard that Sandy was coming. Instead of canceling the trip, I figured worst case scenario we were going to have an awesome Hurricane party. My heart goes out to everyone that was truly affected, but we were not those people.

#4 Reuniting with friends


Two years ago I didn't know a soul in Baltimore, but after four of my best friends moved there? That most definitely changed. It's so funny how it all worked out, and now I love this group like I've known them all my life. They definitely made my birthday.

#5 Halloween Costumes!


The best news is that I did get to talk to Will! I was so scared that I wouldn't get to hear his voice that day, but I knew he would find a way somehow! I also need to tell you about all the sweet things he sent, but apparently there is still one more thing coming. I can't wait.

Can anyone guess what Dani and I dressed as for the last night?


  1. Looks like you had some super yummy food too!



  2. Ah! So much fun! I'm jealous!
    Love the "don't tell my husband comment" hahahahaha

  3. You are too funny. I'm sure the hubbs will also get a kick out of that.

    On a side note, the power ranger costumes are too good! Y'all all look super fabulous.


  4. hahaha,,
    i wish i could see that guy's face.
    you could be arrested for having too much fun. haha

  5. It looks like you had so much fun!!

  6. My husband and I have a picture identical to the one of you guys in that bottom right corner. :)

  7. aww this post really makes me want to come back and visit DC! i love it!


  8. ohh i want to go!! looks like a blast!

  9. So much fun! My favorite part is all the food but I have zero idea on what you dressed up as.

  10. Looks like you had a great time!! Delicious food and wonderful friends (: Love the pictures!
    I'll guess.. Saturday you were a power ranger and Wednesday a sailor in the navy? (:

  11. Not one, but two Halloween costumes!! Were the two of you sexy captains or pilots or something like that? Looks like a fun time despite hurricane Sandy.

  12. OMG looks like you had a blast! I wanna go next time ;)

  13. Looks like such a fun time, so sad I had to miss out! I love your costumes!


  14. Loos like you had a great time! I'm happy you got to talk with Will on your b-day. <3

    You look super duper fly in your costumes you hot thang! I'm thinking your are like a sexy Drum Major or something in that last costume. :)

  15. Looks like you had a blast!! I am so glad. And glad you still got to hear Will's voice. :) You guys, just too sweet.

  16. YAY! So glad you had an awesome time! And I'm sorry that we missed eachother to, but one day we'll meet in real life, I just know it :)

  17. Can't wait to hear all about what your sweet husband sent you! :) Looks like you had a great time in Baltimore, girl! I'm glad!

  18. Looks like lots of fun!!! I'm glad you were safe and sound during the hurricane and you were still able to enjoy your time!!

  19. Yay bday gifts! I wonder what he sent!? :)
    Not sure if the costume is something more specific than a sailor girl? :P

  20. loving the food photos more than anything! looks like you had a blast! glad to see! :)

    it's so nice to know folks everywhere! :) people to show you around and party with. :)

    have a lovely weekend janna! :)

  21. Looks like an AMAZING time!! I'm glad you got to go and spend your special day with loved ones! Can't wait until you get to spend everyday with your #1 love!!

  22. I'm so glad you had such an amazing birthday! You deserve it! Beautiful pictures of you GF!!

  23. Bookmarking these restaurants for my future trip there!

    Great photos, glad you had a great time!!


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