Friday, November 30, 2012

He's Home!

I am not gonna lie, when I first started this post yesterday morning, there was no ornament, and I was blaming it on our horrible postwoman. (Who wears sweatpants to deliver that allowed?) Thankfully, the postwoman and Erin came through!

Well, hello Mr. Snowman...Aren't you so cute and fluffy ;)

You can check out my gifted ornament on Dreaming of Dimples TOMORROW, since I posted a day early. I don't blog on the weekends, and ESPECIALLY not now... THE HUBS IS HOME! 

Thanks for all the well wishes on Facebook and Twitter! It meant so much to both of us, and I can't even explain how happy I am now. Yesterday was even BETTER than my wedding day! I can't wait to tell you aaaaallllllllll about it.

For now, thank you Jessah and Erin for hosting the swap for all of us!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ;)


  1. OMG!! So excited for you! Just in time for the holidays. I know those can be the worst when your alone! Aw I seriously have chills thinking about it! Congrats lovey!

  2. That little snow man is too cute!

    ♥ ❤ ❥ Brooke

  3. YAY! Omg I am SO excited for you!! Seriously, best feeling in the world. Homecoming day was better than my wedding day. Enjoy having your man home again!

  4. So glad he is home safe! Enjoy!

    Cute ornament.

    Have a great weekend

  5. WOOHOO!!!! So happy for you!!!
    PS: the ornament is super cute!!!!

  6. That's so happy that he's finally home! It's definitely a good reason not to blog for a little bit!

  7. So so happpy he is finally home!! AHHHH!! So freaking excited :) and what a cute ornament from Erin!! XO Smooches to you pretty lady!

  8. Yay!!!! So so happy you guys are reunited! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. Aw congrats girl! You must be beside yourself with happiness :) Have a wonderful weekend!!

  10. YAYAYYAY! I will probably KEEP saying Yay everytime you mention Will is home, woohoo!

    Love the ornament!


  11. WOOOHOOOOOOO! So happy for you!!!

  12. Ahhhh he IS home!! Congratulations for making it through, I knew you would. So happy for you guys!!!!!

  13. wooo hoo! so happy for you guys!

  14. Glad to hear he's home safe. Umm, isn't there something *else* you should be doing?? ;)

  15. I've said it a million times but yayyy so happy for you!! :) I signed up for this swap, but the person never contacted me! Boo!

  16. I'm so happy for you guys! I'm glad he made it home safely!

  17. Yayyyy! Enjoy every second, sweet girl. Y'all deserve it :)

  18. I think I've officially congratulated you guys on every possible form of social media - but I'm just so dang excited for you guys! It took me by surprise, I wasn't expecting him back so soon. I can only imagine your excitement! :) Enjoy your weekend!!

  19. So glad he is home! Merry Christmas indeed!!!

  20. Love you! And will! Is that weird?! Haha

  21. Sooooo HAPPY FOR YOU!! Enjoy him. Have fun. No blogging! For a week or so anyways. : )

  22. So happy things are going so well for you! You deserve it Janna :)

  23. Awwww Congrats!!!! I'm soooo happy for you and your hubby! I hope you enjoy your time together!!!! Congrats!!!!

  24. I KNEW IT!! I'm so glad he'd finally home!

  25. YAY!!! So excited for you both! :)

  26. Ahhhh! I'm so excited for you, sweet friend!! I mean, I know I already said that via Twitter, but it's not like I can congratulate you too much. ;)

  27. Yay! I'm so glad he is home safely. I know you'll be tied up so I'm linking you up to my post so your blog will be towards the top. XOXO

  28. Awwwh! That's great, very happy for ya'll!

  29. So glad your hubby is home! We are so thankful for him and all who serve. God bless!

  30. yayayayayay!! that makes me so happy for you. Have a great weekend and thanks for your sweet comments.

  31. yeah!!!!!!!!! so glad he is home!

  32. so happy your hubby is home and thankful for his service. and love your new little snowman!!

  33. What an adorable snowman you received! Am so glad your husband made it home safely -- having our loved ones with us really makes any time of the year special, but especially this holiday month! Happy Holidays to you both!

  34. LOVE snowmen! Cute ornament. And that picture of y'all is too cute for words! So glad he is home :)

  35. Love the ornament but do you know what I love even more? HE'S HOME!!! Aaaahh! Your pictures on insta make me melt a little inside :) SO HAPPY for you both!

  36. Yay! So happy for you! And that snowman?? Too cute :) xoxo, eliza

  37. I am soooo very happy for you both!! What a wonderful Christmas!!!

  38. YAAAAAAY! I am so glad to hear he is home!! (Even if I am a day or so late on commenting..) I love that picture of you two!
    Such a cute ornament!

  39. I missed this!!! SO HAPPY HE IS HOME:)

  40. YAYYY beautiful, I am so happy for you that Will is finally home! I can't imagine how tough it was, but I am sure you will be having a VERY happy time catching up ;) xo

  41. MY HEART IS SO FULL THAT HE'S HOME AND YOU TWO LOOK SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Hey love bug! What an adorable blog. I just love it! And I'm so happy you get your hubby for Christmas. XOXO your newest follower


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