Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fun In The Sun

Obviously, my number one reason to visit Florida was the relaxing setting it provides,


but the time I spent with these ladies is what really made me whole again.

{How do I have one red eye and one normal? Weird}

It seems like they were excited to see me too...


In fact, the best part of the trip was the Spa day we had together.
Yep, even better than pool time, and that's saying a LOT.


If you have never had a spa day with the girls, you better plan one soon. It is rejuvenating to the soul, let me tell ya. Oh, and so is room service...


It was so nice to not have to think about what groceries to buy for the week; no prep time, no cook time, and most importantly? No CLEANING time. Dishes = my least favorite chore.


So now that we only have a short (very short) amount of this deployment left, I can say that I am coasting through it. Instead of being a complete basket case like I was a few weeks ago, I am at peace and enjoying my final preparations for Will to come home. I think that's called nesting. I like nesting. No, I'm not ready for a baby yet. Don't ask.

One more thing. I have to mention that Kym made me tear up yesterday. It doesn't take much lately, but I'm still happy about the sweet things she said. Plus she's just awesome. Go see ;)


  1. Wow, it looks beautiful there!! And, a spa day sounds fabulous! Glad you were able to relax with girl friends, that is the best mediciene for everything!! Yay for deployment being over, I bet you both are sooo excited and relieved!!!


  2. Time with the girls is the best! Especially spa day & room service. :)

  3. Looks like an AMAZING weekend...nothing better than a spa day!!

  4. Girls time always makes me feel better, especially spa days!

    So so so so so glad will is coming back soon! can't wait for you to feel whole again!


  5. Looks like a great week! I'm so jealous!
    So glad he's coming home soon!!

  6. never done a spa day, but this is making me want to!
    looks like you had a blast

  7. ahhh, jealous!! Glad you had so much fun :)

  8. I'm so happy to see you squeezed in a little relaxation and girl time before Will gets home! I'm so freaking excited for you I can't even contain it! I hope you post lots of photos (I know you will) and tell him how proud your blog friends are of him! XO

  9. How fun! So glad you are in the home run to see hubby. Happy Thanksgiving! XO

  10. The spa treatments look wonderful! I could use one about now!



  11. Looks wonderful! SO glad you had a great time. Much deserved. I can't believe Will is almost home!! YAY

  12. Spa days are the best! I need one and SOON! So glad that Will will be home soon! Im sure you are more than ready to have him back!

  13. that looks like a fabulous time! seriously, how relaxing to have pool time mixed with spas and going out. lucky girl!

  14. I've never had a spa day with girls but it really looks like so much fun. Glad you enjoyed it and are getting some distracting traveling and fun in while Will is gone. The home stretch is the best part right? Planning and anticipation and knowing that you will see him soon.

  15. It sounds like some girl time in Florida was just what the doctor ordered. Spa Day's are the BEST. One of my best friends got married two summers ago, and for her bachelorette party we did a spa day. It was heaven!

  16. So I just noticed you weren't on my blogroll! WHAT THE WHAT? Must have got taken off when a new blog design somewhere down the road. Just wanted to tell you I fixed it. And that I love you still more then eva.

  17. i want to jump into some of these pictures. so fun and relaxing.

  18. What a fun time! Glad you enjoyed time with the girls!!

  19. spa day and room service, the best!!

  20. Spas are my happy place. Looks like a fab trip. Dishes are my least favorite, too. I'd rather do 10 loads of laundry than one of dishes.
    So excited for you about Will coming home! xoxo

  21. Looks like you had a blast! And the cause of one red eye vs both is the angle the light was bouncing off your eyes in the photo.

  22. I need a spa day sooo bad. Maybe I'll save that for graduation as a present to myself for getting through it and of course I'll have to take my sister with me since she helps keep me sane during finals.

  23. so fun!! and your spa day looks wonderful!!!

  24. What a fab trip all the food looks delish

    I have one red eye all the time in pics so annoying

  25. Oh girl, this looks absolutely amazing! So glad you ladies got to spend time together! And I'm excited for you that your sweet man will be home so soon! :)

  26. a ladies spa day sounds perfect right about now!

  27. Oh gosh, I've always wanted to visit Florida. These pictures look fabulous! The food looks scrumptious. Especially loving all that sunshine on a gloomy, rainy day like today here in Seattle.
    xo TJ

  28. Spa days! Definitely on my list of things to do before I die! Lol.

  29. Looks so pretty! New follower :)


  30. Oh it looks AMAZING there! So glad you had such a good time. You deserve it!
    And p.s. The nesting mode SUCKS when you're pregnant. At least for me because when it finally hit? My body couldn't (can't) handle it! It's so frustrating to have the urge to deep clean the crap out of something and have to quit half way because my body won't move anymore. I've literally not been able to move after some days of cleaning. So pretty much I do the light cleaning, and Eric does everything else. I can't WAIT to have my body back to normal.

  31. Looks like the perfect trip! As always you look beautiful!!!! Love you gf!


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