Friday, November 23, 2012

A Little Recreation

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!
For the first time EVER I spent it alone.
I'm not going to lie, it was really strange to be alone on Thanksgiving, but sometimes that happens when you live the Military lifestyle. Hey, at least it saved me from gorging myself right before the hubby comes home!

It also gave me time to work on this little project.

When I saw it, I just knew that I had to recreate it. It was so symbolic of our situation!

I admit, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but it was a fun little project that the hubby and I could do together...but er... separate.


We are so close and yet so far away at this point...
We are still a world apart from each other, but not for long :)

I can't wait for those lips to actually touch mine. Even though it has been nine months, I can still remember what his lips feel like, the shooting stars inside my head, and how the rest of the world melts away. It takes my breath away just thinking about it.

They keep changing the date of his return, but all that he's coming home.


Now go check out this giveaway:

It's fabulous!!


  1. Aw, this made me tear up a little...I don't get this exact feeling, but my best friend is stationed in Japan and will be for over another year still...I know how hard it is to be away from the people you love! Stay strong :)

  2. I really, really give props to military wives/families. Being apart from your other half is hard. My boyfriend is currently gone for 3 weeks in Asia, and I'm just rolling around home, feeling weird. Lacking the communication with him is very hard because of the time difference and the difficulty of him finding wifi (and plus he's probably busy with his family over there). And for you being apart from the hubz for 9 months? I don't know how you do it! I give you a salute just for being strong!

    Keeping you in prayers!! I hope he comes soon!

  3. Keeping you in my thoughts, the last stretch is always hard but you be done soon and it will all be a memory of the past. Hang in there chicka and happy thanksgiving.

  4. That picture you made is too sweet! I am so glad you are able to stay so positive through everything! I can't wait to finally read a "he's home!" post.
    I would love if you checked out my giveaway!

  5. OMG this is adorable! LOVE it!

  6. love your recreation! praying he has a safe return home to you!

  7. Awe I love guys are too cute. I wish we were closer, I would have had you over. Even though it's not thanksgiving here..

  8. Love that pic! It's so cool. You are so close, hang in there. I maybe could have used a little saving from some gorging myself! Glad you made the best of Thanksgiving anyways.

  9. Those pictures are heartbreakingly beautiful. People forget about the sacrifice military families make when their loved ones lace up their boots to protect us all. You're right it's not the date that matters, it's the fact that he's coming home!

  10. This post is just so so sweet! I am so anxious for you!!!!! I also got your card today with my Starbuck's gift card and I AM GOING TO GET MY CHRISTMAS CUP RIGHT NOW! You are just the sweetest person and I'm so glad I got to know you through this bloggy world :) XO

  11. Love the photo!! I hope he's on his way home to you!!

  12. So happy for you and what a joy that is!

    So precious!!


  13. Alone?! Young lady you totally could have had Thanksgiving with us! I just figured you had a million and one places to go, or I would have extended the offer earlier!

    ALSO... YAY FOR ALMOST BEING DONE WITH DEPLOYMENT! You've done awesome, and I'm so excited it's almost over for you! It's the best feeling when they walk through those doors :)

  14. Love the picture! So happy he's almost home to you! :)

  15. I love this - it's such a raw feeling, you know? You picked perfect words to capture the emotion that is a kiss between husband and wife. :)

  16. Aw, what a cute photo idea! And I'm so sorry that you and your guy are so far apart, it's so hard over the holidays!

  17. This is so sweet Janna!! I love it!

  18. I LOVE your recreation, so sweet! I hope he gets back to you ASAP friend!!

  19. This is so awesome!
    I know from personal experience that it is so so important to find things to do -with- your husband when far apart, and this is such a great idea.
    All the small efforts to keep connected really do add up and make the heart grow fonder.
    This little project turned out beautifully!
    Just found your blog via the Foley Fam and I love the way you express yourself!

  20. Oh my goodness! I LOVE what you did with your project. My heart really goes out to military families at this time. You guys are the ultimate reason to give thanks!

  21. Aww, that would be really hard, to be alone on Thanksgiving and to be away from your husband for so long! But you guys seem to be handling the challenges welL!

  22. I'm so glad he's coming home soon. You're almost there!

  23. I love that picture and I am so glad that he is coming home soon.

  24. That picture is amazing. LOVE IT, Janna! And good heck, this post gave me chills AND made me cry! I am so happy that he'll be home soon!

  25. your pictures look amazing! they keep delaying my brothers homecoming, too... so i can only imagine how you feel!

  26. This seriously gave me chills! Love it!! He will be home soon and this picture will become reality!!! Stay strong and give that sweet, courageous and hero of a man a HUGE hug from me when he returns!!

  27. I don't know why I didn't think to invite you over to my parents! I mean it does tend to get crazy but this year was suprisingly chill.. I'm glad you made the best of your day though :)

  28. Did you already have a pic of him like that or did he do this for you?! Either way I'm obsessed! I love you two. I'm so sorry you were alone for thanksgiving. But wait you had the pup!

  29. Love the pic girl! So glad he's coming home soon! They kept moving the return date on me last year when mine was on his way home too... it's enough to drive you crazy, but at least you know the end is near!!! :)

  30. this is so sweet. what a beautiful picture and beautiful couple and touching post! you guys are amazing!

  31. Wow, has it really been that long?

    And this is super cute!

  32. Aw, this post is absolutely perfect! Can't wait for him to make it home for you ;)
    xo TJ


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