Monday, October 22, 2012

Grandma Update!

It happened. I created a post only to have it disappear. Boo.
I always wondered how/why that happened to people and now I know!
Last week I also forgot to actually link up for this link up, and on top of all this, I realized that I use "totally", "definitely", "LOVE", and "Aww..." a lot when I comment. Whatevs. At least I comment! ;) #bloggerprobs #uselesshashtags #sueme

Money was my motive this weekend, but I also managed to get ahead in blogging, do some packing (heeelloo Baltimore/DC peeps), and I even got some early birthday presents! Woohoo!

Thank you Kelly and Amanda! You are both AMAZING.
I loved Amanda's gorgeous card and I can't WAIT to rock my new poncho.
Kelly had no idea that I was looking for one of those, and low and behold...that's what showed up! She knows me so well ;)

But what made my weekend, was this picture that my Aunt sent:

I was happy to hear that she is only feeling mild pain, has started physical therapy, and she is being spoiled rotten by family and church members! Just what I needed to hear.
Lookin' good, grandma!!


Make sure you have all entered our Breast Cancer Awareness giveaway on Erin's blog. It's for a cause near and dear to us all, aaaand you get to win stuff. SaWeet.

Shades of Gray and a Pinch of Pink

Last, but most certainly not least, I have to mention how incredibly blessed y'all made me feel this weekend. I can't even explain how happy I am that so many have participated and that everyone is loving the costume contest. If you haven't done it yet, click the pic below ;)


Okay, now that I have written this post twice, I'm spent. Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Your Grandmother looks good! I am glad she is doing well!

  2. Gram looks great! So glad she's doing so well. I'll keep her in my prayers!

  3. Glad to hear your Grandma is doing well.
    Have a fun trip! Make sure you post a picture wearing your poncho...
    Off to enter some giveaways.

  4. Your grandma is cute as a button!

  5. Awww! Glad she's feeling better!

  6. Phew, that was a lot in one post! Glad gma is feeling better!

  7. Glad your grandma is doing well!!!

  8. Glad Grandma is doing well. I had a blog post disappear on me once a while ago and it sucked! I got really scared and started doing posts in word but then stopped...and it hasn't happened since.

  9. First of all, I'm so glad to see Granny is doing better. I've been thinking of you pretty lady. Also, your giveaway is a grand slam! You go, birthday girl!

  10. Your gram looks great!!! :) glad you are getting some birthday goodies sent your way! :)

  11. Your grandma is looking great so glad to hear she is doing well!!!

  12. It is extremely frustrating when you write a post a couple times. I've done it too :(.

  13. Aww glad grandma is fine! Wishing her a speedy recovery :)

  14. I hate when that happens!!! and happy about your Gma!

  15. So glad your Grandma is in good hands! xo

  16. Stumbled upon your blog and I love. I'm a military wife too and couldn't live without my soldier. I'm looking forward to nosing around your blog !

  17. Glad your grandma is on the mend!!! Happy birthday month :)

  18. Your grandma looks so sweet! :)

  19. Thank you for linking up! Glad to hear that your grandma is on the mend and staying strong. Go Grandma!

    I forget, is this a big birthday year? (I am so bad at gauging people's ages!)

  20. So glad sweet nana is doing better!

    Happy Almost bday girlie!

    Send me the deets about when you are in town :)!

  21. Wait when are you going to Bmore/DC?!?! Did I miss something here? (M and I are going next weekend Nov. 2 - 5!) I would LOVE if we were there at the same time. And I'm so glad that you liked the card! I think that was the first one that I picked up and just thought JANNA :)

  22. Yay so glad she's feeling better!!! Woohoo

  23. So glad to hear that your grandma is doing well!!


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