Thursday, September 20, 2012

Inspire Me: Dream Job!

If you had asked me this awhile back...
I probably would have said Stewardess on a Cruise Ship, Travel Writer, Flight Attendant, or something else equally as enthralling and travel oriented.

Obviously, all of those things are better when you are single and young enough to handle it, and now that I am a few years older and married...things change.
Luckily, the changes are for the better.

Dennis Wagner

My desires to fly from the nest are now replaced with roots.
Even so, these roots are not attached to a place, they have grown out of love.

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

But you know what comes with marrying a soldier?
LOTS of travel. Whoop Whoop.
In the past few years we have lived in Florida, Virginia, Georgia, and now Colorado, with no end in sight. We could move as soon as next year, and it could be anywhere. I'm actually hoping it will be near KellyMeg, SarahTab and Raven, or ANY of you blog loves. I will be sad to leave Sami, but I want to experience more before we have kids. Did I say before? I meant IF. Hehe.

The travel is definitely a bonus, but as for a Dream Job?
Becoming a SAHM is beginning to sound quite appealing.
I'd get to support my soldier, be a happy housewife, and would be a lot more okay with the thought of making babies. The best part, is that Will already agreed and this might be why:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

As of now, I'm working and doing ALL of that except for the nanny part.
Not that I'm complaining, but I definitely wouldn't mind doing it full time ;)
Perhaps add in some writing on the side...

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

I DEFINITELY think I write better than I talk, and Will's exact words are, "Why don't you just go ahead and get published? You know you need to go for it."
Gotta love a supportive husband.

So there you have it.
My dream job would be a SAHM who also happens to be a published author.
May not be as grand as you might expect, but to me, it sounds like the cat's meow.

What is your dream job?


  1. i can say i have my dream job right now. but i still want to write for magazine because i love writing and i took journalism in college. i wanted to be a war journalist. but now i'm not married yet, so that might change when i have a husband and kids. i think SAHM is the toughest job. ever.

  2. Just found your blog and I absolutely love it! Newest follower! :)

  3. I think my dream job has changed over the years! Being a SAHM sounds much more appealing to me now than any other job I've wanted to do in the past!

  4. Ahh do another round in VA!! ;) I think your dream job sounds PERFECT!

  5. Yes yes yes, come back to VA!

    You can be whatever you want, you have the drive and the talent!

    love you!

  6. Great dream job! There are two bases in Oklahoma ; )

  7. CHASE it woman! You would be amazing at it!

  8. Stopping by from the link-up! I think that's a great dream job :)
    I grew up in a military family (parents, aunts, uncles, etc) and I honestly think that's the best way to go :)


  9. WHATTTTT you left NC out of the equation!! :( It's a wonderful place to raise a family.. LOL. AND where I am.

  10. My dream has changed since I got out of high school. I wanted to work in Human Resources then I switched to Healthcare Management but now I realized that I love to cook and bake so my parents think I should go to culinary school but for now I'm a SAHM. Lol.

  11. I love that "Home is wherever you are" quote! I really want to get a nice print out of it and hang it in my house. Being a stay at home mom is so rewarding, but it definitely takes a toll on your sanity :D
    Raven lives in the same state as me! So yes you should move up here!! I know you meant to put my name up there too, it's okay that you didn't ;D hahaha!

  12. Hey my husbands name is Will too! Arnt they handsome men, those Will's:) SAHM would be a dream job, and i find no shame is someone that does just that! Its a hard job, i hope when (if) we have kids it will be a possibility for me!

  13. You know a published author is at the top of my list. I write way better then I speak too! SAHM-probably not b/c you'd need a kid for that so I'm thinking maybe just SAHW-stay at home wife!!

  14. Before I had a kid, I'd say my dream job would be becoming a florist. Now that I have a kid, my dream job is my reality- SAHM. And it is wonderful :) Way better for me than my old job.

  15. Amen to that sister this is my dream job too. That's why I'm being a nanny right now. I'm basically a SAHM plus the getting paid part minus the hooking up with the baby daddy at the end of the day thing.

  16. Aw! I'll be sad when you leave :( Which is why we should make the best of it now! We need to plan a girls weekend up here asap!

  17. So sweet:) that's my dream job, too!

  18. This is my dream job too!! We are lucky to have husbands that support & encourage us!!

    **The St. Louis area would also be a kick-butt place to move to ;)**

    <3 Melissa

  19. Hahaha i love the "hooker" part in that quote! Ahh goodness!

    I am currently working at what I had always planned to do...teach...and I never dreamed it would be precious 4 year old PreK kids, but I guess God knows my dreams better than I do because I love it.

    I do pray one day I can stay at home with my own babies though.

  20. I would love to be a travel writer, but you're right, that's only cool if your hubby can come too. If you ever get stationed in Ohio, you better let me know :) And go for getting published, woman!

  21. yesssss come to cali!!! im praying thats where you go next! so im obsessed with that pic of you and will! so freaking adorable! LOVE YOU GF!!!

  22. I love this post!! I think you would make a GREAT sahm! I believe it's better for your marriage if the woman can stay home. Yes, money's tight, but my husband comes home to a happy baby, clean house, and dinner (well, not always dinner) everyday. Before we had Camdyn, I worked FT too and we both came home exhausted, neither of us wanted to cook/clean, and it just seemed like we didn't have enough time in the day to get everything done. Now I pay the bills, run all the errands, take Cami to the doctor's, grocery shop, clean, etc...and John comes home to everything being taken care of, allowing him to focus on work and hanging out with us!

    Lol sorry, that got long!! Also, you should totallyyyy try to get published!! One idea is to do a book based off your blog :) Focus more on the "Perception is Everything" part/series, but also add in your own life, stories, and experiences. I would buy it, no doubt :)

  23. SAHM sounds intimidating to me, but maybe one day! I think you would be great at it though. :)
    I wrote about mine today, too.

  24. when boyfriend and i talk about kids... our minds are alike... we'd both want that... to have a parent w/ our kids f/t. we were raised that way as well. i mean, you will be w/ your little one for so short of time before they go off to school then college then marriage and so on... some people are fortunate enough to be one and some have no appreciation for them; which i have a lot of appreciation for SAHM. i am a preschool teacher and i work w/ up to ten a day!!!!

    maybe because boyfriend and i are a little old fashion. heehee

  25. Come to NC! Ahh, I want to be a SAHM (to Bentley of course!)! Love this!

  26. That's great, girl! I am super excited to be a SAHM some day! For now I'm loving nannying and working with teens. :)

  27. Before meeting G I always wanted to work on a cruise ship. I did lost of research and looking in to it. It was my dream job!!!! I don't know that I have a complete 100% dream job right now. But a SAHM sounds pretty fantastic.

  28. Love being a stay at home mili spouse. We don't have kids but since he deployed so much - it's hard for me to devote my time I have away from home. Enjoyed your post! Very cute.. link up though "inspire me".. <3, Amy

  29. sorry my pc glitched & posted my comment like 20 times, I removed all but my one comment. <3, amy

  30. Haha, If I knew my dream job, I'd be working toward it :). I love this post!

  31. Yes, yes, yes! I totally agree! Being a housewife and mom are my dream jobs. I like working from home now and one day adding kids into the mix sounds like the perfect path I want my life to go down.

  32. It really is SO hard to have a job when you're a milspouse. Goodness I am struggling hard time with that right now. One day I do hope to be a SAHM but I am in no rush. Looking into what I can do from home! Haha.

  33. You could totally do it :) I'im glad your hubs is so supportive! I think it makes all the difference when your partner in crime is just as supportive as you could hope him to be!

  34. The post is saying that nspire me on dream job. Useful post
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