Monday, September 3, 2012

In Memoriam

An old friend of mine lost his battle with Cancer yesterday, and it's left me at a loss for words.
Don't worry about me, but positive thoughts for his family would be much appreciated.
I've been really close to his younger brother for a long time, and I know that he will take this hard.

Celebrate life each day, because everyone has an expiration date.
Today, I'm going to celebrate Mike's life.


  1. I'm so sorry girl. :( Cancer is a terrible disease that takes too many good people way too soon. You and his family are definitely in my prayers. LOVE you twin!!! xo

  2. So sad. : ( Definitely praying for you and the family!

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. Losing someone to cancer is just about the worst thing that can happen. I'm no expert or anything, but I've lost 2 friends to cancer now and sometimes when I'm feeling especially sad, I just think of all the pain they AREN'T in anymore and the smile that is probably on their faces.

    "Think of them not as stars in the sky, but rather openings from Heaven where our loved ones can look down and tell us everything is alright."

    Praying for you, your friend, and his family.

  4. I'm sorry for you loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  5. praying for you and your friends family. can't imagine what you're going through.

  6. All my love for his family. Life is so very, very precious. xoxo

  7. Sorry to hear that Janna, hope you are doing okay, much love~

  8. Sending prayers to the family and to you!

    I agree, I can't WAIT till cancer is nothign more than a sign....



  9. I'm so sorry for your loss and praying for him, his family, and friends. XO!

  10. I am so sorry for your loss and I am thinking of all of you!

  11. My heart aches for his family :( They are in my prayers. My mom is a survivor, and I thank God every day she is still with us.

  12. Big hugs!!! We can only pray that one day there will be a cure.

  13. I'm so sorry for yours, and your friend's loss. That is so sad. *hugs*

  14. oh no. im so sorry for your friends loss. how awful. sending thoughts and prayers to his family. text me if you wanna chat gf! love you! xoxo

  15. Sending thoughts & prayers your way & his families way as well!!

    <3 Melissa

  16. Praying for comfort for all of you.

  17. Oh honey, I'm so sorry. *HUGS*

  18. Xoxo my thoughts are with you and the family and friends of your loved one.

  19. This is so true. Life is meant to be lived, and I hope your friend and his family lived it to the fullest while he was here!

  20. So sorry to hear this :( You and your friend's family are in my prayers.

  21. Praying for the family and everyone effected. And you as well!!! I'm so sorry for your loss.

  22. HUGS AND HUGS AND HUGS! I hope you're hanging in there and doing okay :) Sending you lots of love and let me know if you need anything.

  23. Ohhh, I am so sorry!! :( Love you!

  24. Amen to that picture, I lost 2 grandparents to cancer it sucks and I'm so sorry for that families loss

  25. Cancer is a horrible thing to lose someone aunt died from cancer about 4 years ago. She was young, too. I've felt that pain...and I hope everyone who knew your friend can find some comfort in knowing at least his pain is over. <3

  26. Big hugs to you and sorry to hear about your friend. I lost my step dad in January. Cancer is evil. I hate it!

  27. I am so sorry for your loss Janna. You and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers xo


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