Monday, September 10, 2012

Free At Last!

I am happy to tell y'all that I got second place on Friday!
Today, I will share a few pictures, but you are going to have to wait until tomorrow for the juicy details. Why are you going to have to wait?
Because these details are SO juicy that I can't share them on my blog.
That's right, you will have to go to Tabitha's blog to get the deets.

For now, I will share this:


The contest was themed "Sweets and Suits", so I safety pinned colorful balls and called it a day. I actually think it turned out pretty cute! Easiest and cheapest costume ever.

Although, the best part of my weekend was SUNDAY.

When I was at work on Saturday, my friend Russel asked if I wanted to hang on Sunday, and at first I ignored him, since Sunday is for laziness and blogging in my world. Well, that is until the magic words "lake" and "boat" were thrown out. {Insert record skip here} Um yes, I would LOVE to go wakeboarding.

We kind of got a late start, but that's good because we didn't need those extra hours in the brutal Colorado sun. We drove the hour to Pueblo Reservoir, and it was party time...

If you follow me on Instagram, then you saw this photo with the caption "I'm on a boat!"


As you can tell, I was quite excited, and the day just got better and better...


My gorgeous new amiga, Megan.



Once we got out on the water, the phone was put away, and I switched to my waterproof camera. Those pictures will be uploaded soon, along with video. I did catch a few of the sunset, though...





So, in closing, I am happy to say that I don't have any more contests until January {thank'ya jeeesuhs} and I have officially ended my summer with a bang. I FINALLY got some water time and made some awesome new friends, so I am a happy girl.

Weekend = Success!


  1. Congrats on getting 2nd!! And I LOVE that picture of the sunset!!! Beautiful.

  2. Congrats on getting second! Can't wait to hear all the juicy details tomorrow!Looks like you had so much fun on the boat!

  3. Oh wow, congrats on 2nd! And how fun would it be to hit the waves!?!? I so want to go to the lake again, maybe someday :)

  4. CONGRATS lovebug!

    Love the picture of you on the boat!


  5. You are seriously the prettiest! Also, I've been to Pueblo Reservoir many times in my life and NEVER have I seen it look so pretty. It's probably changed tons since I was last there (probably 7 years ago) but you're also an amazing photographer! Glad you got to go and have so much fun! I hope your Weekend Update next weekend includes ME :)

  6. What a great weekend! Congrats on the contest! And nothing is better than a day on the water - especially a gorgeous day like that.

  7. Congrats on the second place finish! That's awesome! And your day of boating looks spectacular!

  8. Congrats on getting 2nd, that is great! :)

  9. FUN! And as always, you look gorg!

  10. Sounds like an awesome weekend! Congrats Pretty Lady!

  11. I loveeee going out to the lake and boating! We did the same this weekend :)

  12. You look fab, doll face! Can't wait to get all the deets! And I am so jealous of your boat time! Looks amazing :)

  13. I'm so excited for tomorrow.
    2nd woohoo, congrats gorgeous friend.

    What a fab way to spend your afternoon, boating is so fun.


  14. Yay go you! That's awesome, congrats :)

    And yay for lake time. Such pretty pics! I'm actually headed to one on Wednesday for a mini vacay.

    Thanks for linking up!

  15. Congratulations! SO proud of you!

  16. Congrats on 2nd place! And yay for being done till January. I don't do anything like that, but I have a couple friends who work for Hooters here, and one of them participates in stuff around here. She's constantly stressed, and loves "off" season.
    Hope you have a great week!

  17. So happy you won 2nd....even tho it should've been 1st! But we all know the truth! Love the boat pics! Come to Cali & the bf & I will take you on his boat!!! Love you gf looking forward to the reveal of the story!! XO

  18. Congrats girl!!!! I love hearing about your contests. I'm so jealous!

  19. Congrats on getting 2nd you look amazing! I LOVE wakeboarding, definitely one of my favorite summer past times!

  20. Way to go Janna! Hard work pays off, right? :)

    Love your boat outfit! :) Love sunsets on the lake. So breath-taking! <3

  21. Of course you look AWESOME!
    Wish I was out on the lake this weekend! jealous!

    Glad you had such a great weekend!
    Cant wait to read tomorrow!

  22. 2nd!! :) You are so gorg. wow. And a lake day is THE perfect Sunday!! So glad you got out there. :)

  23. That sunset shot over the back of the boat is GORGEOUS! Mucho congrats on 2nd place now you have some downtime woohoo!

  24. Congrats {again lol} you looked gorgeous!! Your Sunday looked fabulous, super jealous!!

    <3 Melissa

  25. Congrats on 2nd, girl! That's great! Looks like you had lots of fun at the lake! :)

  26. Not going to lie, a little jealous of that boat


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