Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Define Your Own Perception: From Here To Eternity!


I'm a giddy little school girl today!
Why you ask?
Because we have one of my all time faves here for a visit!
Okay, so I know that I have loved everyone featured so far, but you know how it is...
Think back to when you first started blogging, and you stumbled upon those bloggers that grabbed your heartstrings and never let go. Courtney is that for me.

Take it away, beautiful!


I'm a little intimidated to be talking about marriage on Janna's blog because seriously.... Janna has got the marriage thing down :) I love the relationship and love that Janna and Will share. I look up to them so much! But when I was engaged to Eric I got a ton of feedback about how I was making the wrong decision.
Why were so many people against the idea of Eric and I getting married? 
Because we were young.

Eric was 21 and I was 19 when we started dating. 10 months later we sealed the deal at ages 22 and 20. When we got engaged all of our loved ones were ecstatic for us! But I'm a hairstylist which means I see and have conversations with a ton of different people every single day. I had a lot of people sit down in my chair and tell me that I should wait to get married. I should travel the world before picking my spouse. We both needed to grow up before we could handle a marriage. The list of reasons why we "needed" to wait could go on forever. 
But I knew that Eric was the one for me. 
He is the one that I wanted to experience the highs and lows of this life with. I wanted him by my side while I traveled the world. Eric is the one I choose to be with for eternity.

Marriage isn't always easy... but it's not supposed to be! I don't think marriage would have been an easier adjustment had I waited until 30 instead of 20 to be married. But we went into this commitment with the knowledge that even though it wasn't going to be easy, we were going to work our buns off to make this thing work! It helps that I picked the right man to be my husband, and visa versa, but it is so satisfying each time we make it through a difficult trial together
We come out of the highs and lows more in love than before!

Eric is my best friend, my biggest support, my partner in crime, and my deepest love. We fight hard, we play harder, and we love the hardest. We don't ever stop working at our marriage because the moment we do is the moment it will all fall apart. Our marriage means everything to us, and for that reason we are willing to give it our all! I'm not ashamed to say that we married young because we have grown together. And I can't wait to see how we will continue to grow and love as our life together goes on... starting with the newest addition to our family come December :) Experiencing these huge changes, and the highs and lows each day with Eric by my side, is the BEST decision I ever made!


Let me tell you how flattered I am that she thinks so highly of our marriage. Her marriage is awesome, so that is a BIG compliment. Don't they just make the cutest couple?
They are going to make beautiful babies too.
I can't WAIT to see their little bundle of for real.
I love you girl!!

In other news, and in case you don't know, next month is my "Birthday Month", and I need you all to help me make it special. For the second year in a row, my lover will be gone :(
Then, when you add in the fact that I am getting antsy for the last two months to be over, I'm definitely going to need your help. I'd like a few more sponsors for this series, and if anyone has any ideas for something else fun...I will gladly take suggestions. I'm thinking a {little} group giveaway would be fun or perhaps some Halloween inspiration. 

You guys are the best, so I know that it will be amazing no matter what.
I have faith.

PS. I'm sad that I didn't get to participate in the Girl Behind The Blog this month, but you should check it out! I am so inspired by these ladies and the vlogs!


  1. Aww, you are both so adorable, Janna and Courtney! I love reading your blogs!

  2. What a great post by Courtney! She has some great advice!

    I'm here for you lovey!!!! I get to see you next month!


  3. I loved this post--it spoke to me in so many ways! This series is such a great idea and I'm glad to (hopefully!) be part of it in the next few weeks :) I would love to be part of your giveaway and send some yellow and orange hair ties (in honor of October, of course!). That is, obviously, if you end up liking them ;)

  4. Have I mentioned lately how much I love you?? You're the BEST!

  5. Ah, young marriage is great! I go tmarried at 18!! And already have two kids at 22. Wouldn't have it any other way! Love courtney and her blog:)

  6. I love that post. And hey, I was married at 19 too. Young love has just as much a chance as any other, it just takes work :)

  7. Great post!! Courtney and you are both awesome and I love that you both make your marriage a top priority!

    Janna - is this your hubby's final deployment or is there a chance he'll be deployed again? I admire your strength and am very happy he'll be with you soon! :)

  8. LOVE courtney!!! i don't know her IRL but still, LOVE!

  9. Love these. Thanks for linking up! xoxo

  10. MY BF and I were 17 and 19 when we started dating...still going strong 17+ years later. :) Growing up together counts for a lot.

  11. I'm so glad you featured her! :) I love Courtney and her blog! And I can totally relate to people being AGAINST young people getting married. I wouldn't have done it any other way, though! :) Perception is everyhing, dontchaknow?!

  12. Courtney said it so perfectly! I love her blog; she is so stinkin' cute. And now I'm glad she shared YOUR blog!

  13. Courtney is an incredible lady! And what a beautiful marriage she and Eric have! She has the right perspective...marriage is hard, but the best in life are worth fighting for right?? :) And I loved when she said that it is so satisfying making it through a trial together and coming out stronger.


  14. Courtney, I totally get where you are coming from! My husband and I started dating when I was 17 and he was 18. We got married at 21 and 22. We were each other's "first" everything. I can't tell you how many people told us that we really should date around "just to be sure" or enjoy not being married longer, etc. We've been married 4 years now (together 8) and I am so glad that things worked out the way they did! :) Thanks for sharing your story and congrats on your little girl! :)

  15. October is my birth month too :)

    I'd love to share my perception-especially on how moving to a SMALL town with my husband to follow his life dream has made me a better wife :)

  16. I am with Courtney. I don't think marriage gets easier if you are older. I got married when I was 24 and I still don't know what the heck I'm doing. ha ha

  17. Ah Courtney is the best!!! Such a great lady.
    I will do anything you want to make it a great birthday month!! You name it. ;)

  18. Such a sweet story! We were engaged less than 3 months before we got married. EVERYONE thought it was a shot gun wedding! But when you know, You KNOW!

  19. Aw this is so sweet! Marriage (as well as any relationship) requires a lot of effort from both parties so glad both of you are putting in the work :) Happy early Birthday!

  20. Oh gosh, I haven't read Courtney's blog in forever! I didn't know that she was pregnant. Many congratulations!!!!!
    xo TJ

  21. What a sweet post! I love Courtney's blog too. We got married at 22 and 26 after 6 months of dating long distance, then spent the first 15 months of marriage apart when KEv deployed to Iraq. Six years, 3 moves, 2 kids later, it is all still wonderful. People thought/think we are crazy, but I am okay with: crazy in love, I say! Let me know if you ever need a post ;)

  22. just found your blog! loving it! new follower!

    Xo Meghan

  23. Wow! This is great! B and I aren't married, but we have been w/ each other since we were 19... now 28... No one relationship is easy.

    Sometimes, I just feel as if, people have to rain on your sunshine. So happy for them and on them becoming new parents.

    And Janna, you truly are amazing! xoxo

  24. AW! I love YOU & COURTNEY! This is a great post!

  25. Don't you love Courtney! I can see why she looks up to your marriage and you to her! You both have wonderful examples of REAL LIFE marriages!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!