Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ready For Fall!

Today is my first love's Birthday.
My Daddy!

There is NO denying that I am a daddy's girl.
Do you think we look alike?
I honestly think I favor him the most, and I would be proud to be like him in spirit too.
He is the salt of the Earth and as honest as they come.
He is also the guy that says no to "boys night" or camping trips with the guys, because he'd rather spend time with us. We always come first.


My husband calls him John.
Daddy's name is Marcus.
Daddy calls Will, Army.
I still don't understand it, but I love that they are best buddies.

I am loved...

I am their princess, and I am proud of it!
If only I could squeeze them both RIGHT now.

Okay, let's move on before I get too emotional...

Let's Fall Into Fashion!

Okay, I'm not a "fashion" blogger, but I am craving Fall right now!

+I'm tired of this heat.
+I want to change up the wardrobe.
+Hubby comes home at the end of Fall!

The other morning, it was actually in the 50's when I went to work, so I got the perfect opportunity to rock the Fall fashion without dying in the heat. A scarf, TOMS, and my favorite hat was all I needed:


I just love this hat, and it's so good as keepin' my noggin' warm.
So versatile too:

"through the looking glass..."

I used to feel weird about wearing it, since it was a little out of my comfort zone, but now I rock it with pride. I've learned that life is too short to be afraid of doing what you want.
Are you as ready for Fall as I am??

Happy Birthday Daddy!


  1. It's so great that you and you rdad have that kind of relationship! And I am SO ready for fall!

  2. Your photos of you and your dad are precious! And I'm loving your hat :)

  3. Today (on my way home from a little camping trip with my husband) I got all happy thinking about fall and started rattling off all the things I'm excited for. Actually, I might do a post about what I'm looking forward to :)

  4. Such a sweet post! And you do rock that hat!

  5. Haha this is so funny. I'm over winter here in Australia and I'm hanging for spring and you're over summer and ready for autumn...or fall as you guys call it...very sweet about your partner and dad getting along...mine do too and its soooo sweet :)

  6. Ah I hope my girls will be daddies girls.. too sweet!

  7. Love that you shared about your relationship with your dad--it's so special! :)
    Love the hat!

  8. :) Happy birthday to your daddy! The bond between daddy's & daughters is unlike anything else....and the feeling of your husband and daddy being friends is just like a ball of sunshine inside. :) I love it, too!

    I looove fall fashions - scarves and boots and leggings, yes please! Maybe I'll even get brave enough to wear a hat this year ;) Haha I've never braved it before!

  9. love those pictures! you can tell how much they mean to you!

  10. Happy Happy bday to your daddy!


  11. Happy Birthday to your Daddy! So sweet!

    AND YES... Come on FALL! Love your cute little hat supa presh!

  12. Love the picture with both of them kissing you! Too cute!

    Love the outfits!

  13. Great pictures of you and your daddy! How sweet that you are such a daddy's girl :D That's awesome that him and Will get along so well!

    Love your outfits, and I LOVE that hat!

    You should totally swing by and check out my giveaway:


  14. I love that, the nicknames they have. John & Army. Too funny. Happy birthday to your dad. :)

    I know, I'm excited for fall fashion, too though I'm not that big of a fashionista.

  15. You should follow me back on twitter so we can tweet sometime! :) @shelleybells07

  16. Happy birthday to your Dad! Such a sweet post, I love the nicknames. So cute. And as always you are a stunner!

  17. Girl, you definitely rock that hat! Super cute:) And happy birthday to your dad!

  18. Happy Birthday to your dad!! He sounds like an amazing man! I'm definitely a daddy's girl as well :)
    The end of fall is such an exciting time for the both of us! My baby will be coming shortly after! But Will coming home... YAY! I hope time flies for you both!!

  19. I want one!! you totally rock that hat

    Happy birthday to your dad!


  20. I am SOOO ready for fall! We've had some cooler days here in Ohio this weekend - such a tease that Mother Nature!

    I've wanted to try and rock a hat like that, but haven't gotten the guts to buy one and do it. It looks so cute on you!

  21. You are SO pretty! I know I say that all the time lol. Yesterday was my Daddys birthday too - I love him so much :)

  22. LOVE the hat! I have one similar that I wear all fall and winter long! Happy Birthday to your daddy!

  23. Too sweet! Happy Birthday to your precious Daddy!! You guys are all lucky to have each other! And you ARE rocking that hat! Gorg!!

  24. Happy Birthday to your Daddy!!

    I love hats. love!

    Fall is by far my most favorite season! I'm way excited!!

  25. That's awesome that you have such a good relationship with your dad and that the two men in your life get along so well. As for fashion I'm loving the summer weather but I must say I'm in a slump right now so it's probably time to change up. Every time I look in my closet I can't find a thing I want to wear to work.

  26. Aww. Happy birthday to your Dadda!

  27. Aww happy birthday to your dad! I love that he and your husband are so close! What a blessing! And girl, you rock that hat! Love it! :)

  28. Happy Happy Birthday to your Daddy!!! What a sweet and adorable post. Having such a close nit family is so special!!!

  29. Sometimes I need that help getting over that fear! You look adorable in that hat!! And happy birthday to your daddy!

  30. I am SO ready for fall. It is by far my favorite season!

    Happy Birthday to your Daddy!!! :)

  31. Happy birthday to your daddy!!! That is so great you have such a close relationship w your dad. I wish mine was like that. He puts everything else before his kids. LOVE the pic of the 2 leading men in your life giving u a kiss on the cheek. So cute! Andddd of course bc we have such a special connection I LOVE those hats! I have 2! Cannot wait to bring them back!!! As always you look gorgeous in all the pics!! Love you gf!!! Xoxo Kelly

  32. I love your Dad! Happy birthday Mr. Marcus!!

  33. AWW! This is SO freakin sweet!! I am SO ready for Fall too!

  34. Yes daddy's girl I am ready for fall. I can't wait for winter either. I like being covered from the neck down

  35. oh gosh, this post is way too precious for words! a very belated and happy birthday to your dad. and you are always so lucky if you get to be that close to your parents. precious!
    xo TJ

  36. This post is TOO cute, girl :)
    It is so awesome that your Dad & husband are so close! And I love your fall looks, too!



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