Friday, August 3, 2012

Christmas In August

Happy Friday, my dears!
To be honest, today is my Monday, because I was off the last three days and now work the next four, but it was for good reason. My girlfriend, Jenna from Richmond was in town and I was SO excited! I promise to share more about that next week when I have some energy.

As promised, I will share the more of the pictures from the last shoot AND tell you about our romantic getaway at The Broadmoor last Christmas. I told Will that I wanted to move there, and he said that it's fine with him. Too bad, I don't feel like packing up and moving...








We took over 300 photos, but no one wants to see 300 of the same thing.
However, I did add more pictures to facebook, since we made it to 150 followers!
There are some "never before seen" over there too.

The next set of pictures showcase my two favorite things.
The Hubs and Christmas!

Last year, I heard that The Broadmoor was having a tree lighting ceremony, and I knew we had to go!
At that point, we knew that Will was deploying, so it seemed like the perfect romantic staycation.
Let me tell you...I couldn't have been more pleased!


We took in the sunset, imbibed on Fireball Whiskey to keep warm, and witnessed an incredible lighting ceremony! The entire lake lit up like you wouldn't believe.


After that we had dinner reservations at The Tavern, and it was DELISH.
So was the champagne.


The room was without a doubt, perfection.
Free bottle of champagne? Don't mind if I do!


I'm sure you can fill in the rest of the night, but the fun wasn't over!
The Broadmoor is also known for their brunch, and I happen to LOVE brunch.


We met up with some friends, GORGED ourselves, and then took in the scenery one last time.


Oh sorry, I was busy checking him's the scenery:


Le Sigh...Can it be Christmas yet?

In case you are looking for a vacation...The Broadmoor should be on the TOP of your list.
Will might be home in time for Thanksgiving, so perhaps we will visit again.
I will definitely never say no if it's an option!

Oh, and don't forge that it's #Follow Friday on Hollie Takes Notes!
She does it on the first Friday of every month, so get in on it!
Happy weekend, lovers!


  1. Gorgeous pictures!! I just love Christmas :) ha

  2. Amazing pictures!! you are too cute!seeing pictures of you and your husband makes me want married yesterday!!

  3. That place is GORGEOUS!!! I wanna go! can C and I come visit yall for Christmas?!?!?!!

    You are so pretty my love, I just CAN'T STAND IT!!!


  4. What a beautiful getaway, the room was gorgeous!!!! I bet you two had a fabulous time.
    PS: loved your pictures and the ones you had on FB to. Your so pretty!!!

  5. What a beautiful getaway, the room was gorgeous!!!! I bet you two had a fabulous time.
    PS: loved your pictures and the ones you had on FB to. Your so pretty!!!

  6. I love Christmas too! :). So will he be home be home around Thanksgiving or is it leave?

  7. The pictures are so pretty! I've always thought it would be fun to do a photoshoot. Christmas is my favorite holiday. New follower from the #FF link up!

  8. Hi Janna!!

    I found your blog via Follow Friday over at Hollie Takes Notes! I love what I'm seeing and can't wait to get to know you better!

    These are amazing pictures. You're gorgeous! Such a great shoot!

  9. I love the last pictures!

    I love just going and staying in nice hotels, for no reason but to relax and have fun.

    Have a great weekend! Even though you're working :(

  10. Holy Cow! Those pictures of you are gorgeous! And I love your Christmas Tribute! I'm getting antsy for the Holidays too!

  11. Well, if you can't live there anytime soon maybe you can retire there some day!! Lovely pics. I was trying to figure out what The Broadmoor is so I googled it. Nice resort!

  12. ahhh this got me SO excited for xmas!!! your hubby is so freaking hot ahhh! i love your pictures from the shoot, theyre gorgeous & ive creeped on them many times on facebook hahaha...have a good work week...make that money honey!!! LOVE YOU GF!!! xoxoox Kelly

  13. Rupture stunning!!!

    That was supposed to say you're not rupture but I thought I'd leave it for you!

    You and Husbabd Will are adorable!! How many months do you two have left apart??


  14. Ps going to email you an idea later!

  15. your stunning! I love that dress on you. you and your hubby are so cute! I am your newest follower. I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow The Preppy Student. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog! Have a happy Saturday:)

  16. Howdy! Bopping over from the Friday ditty. So glad we are going to follow along together! Big Blasting hugs!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. this is what make me wish sometimes that i were married.
    wait! did i just say that?ha!

    i won't mind moving there too. gorgeous photos!!!

  19. You are beautiful!! Inside and out. ;) xo

  20. Looks like a great place to visit!! Love your dress in those photos too!! You got some really pretty pictures!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  21. This sounds amazing! I love that you "imbibed" while watching the lighting. I think tree lightings are so freaking pretty! And you and your hubby are picture perfect!


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