Friday, July 6, 2012

WHAT A Week!

Let's just say...this week is WAY better than last week!

The fires are at 95% containment!
That is HUGE for us, so things are beginning to get back to normal 'round these parts.

On top of that...I won the BIGGEST Giveaway in blog history!
Well, at least the biggest I've ever seen. I can't wait to show off all my new book, purses, Target/Amazon/Anthro  purchases, and jewelry, all while drinking my weight in Starbucks.
Oooh Yeeeaaahh!

Between that and the new tablet the hubs talked me into getting, I feel like I won the lottery! I can't go in to too much detail, but we were given money for said tablet, and enough to get a new laptop sent to Afghanistan too! The generosity that I have come across during this deployment knows no bounds.

I wasn't planning on doing much for the 4th, since I had to work, but luckily I got off early and got to attend a good ol' fashion BBQ with some of my favorite people in Colorado!


Will told me to drink a beer for him, and he wanted pictorial proof.
{Thanks for letting me borrow your beer, Aimee! Haha}

Then, to complete my week, I got a package in the mail from my Blog GF!


Kelly, has inspired us all to take part in several projects, and they will all be featured this month!
I would tell you more about the Messy Project, but it's top secret, so that picture is all the teaser you are going to get. You will just have to check it out on the 18th!

Somehow, I got the weekend off, so I'm hoping that I don't even have to leave my house! I do need to catch some rays, but my backyard is about as far as I will go. After work today, I have a little surprise happening, but you will just have to wait and see on that one too. Maybe I'll post something to Facebook until I can actually reveal!

I hope that you all have a great weekend, and I'll catch you on Twitter!


  1. I love getting packages in the mail!! Looking forward to hearing more about the Messy Project!

  2. Glad you got off work in time to have a little fun!

    That's awesome about the laptop and tablet! So exciting!

  3. I'm so happy the fires are almost finished with and the air quality is getting back to normal! My poor pooch was suffering not getting to do too much outside!

  4. I am so freakin jealous you won that giveaway!!! Lucky!!

  5. So happy that the fires are getting under control in your area, truly a blessing! Looks like you managed to have a fun 4th at least. Have fun this weekend, I'm going to try and get some sun too!

  6. I'm happy to hear that this week was better for you!! Those cupcakes look delicious, so I hope you enjoyed them :) Have a great weekend, and hopefully you can catch a few rays!

  7. It is 8:30AM my time and those cupcakes look so friggin good! NOM NOM, what's wrong with me? lol.

  8. Im so glad that the craziness with the fires is dying down for you! So scary!

    Glad you got to get some good 4th of July action in! I love BLL's! :)

    Hope your good week continues into next week!!

  9. Yey, you got to have some fun on the 4th! And yey about the fires! Have you guys gotten some of the rain I've heard about?

  10. YAY for the fires getting better! Phew. I saw that you won that giveaway and did a little happy dance!! YES!!

  11. soooo, you didn't drink a beer? lol.

    congrats on winning! :)
    and that the five is getting better. i can't imagine.

    hope you don't have to leave far this weekend.

  12. Wooooop Wooooop so happy that you won the giveaway :) I am so jealous of what your mailbox is going to experience here soon. Have fun with all of your goods!!! xo

  13. i am so jelly you won that giveaway but you deserve it!!! im SO glad the fires have died down. thank god! not a beer drinker?? me either!!!!! haha! anddd ahhhh love the teaser!! SO freaking excited!!!!!! enjoy your weekend off lover!!! TGIF!!! xox Kelly

  14. Have a great weekend my dear, yay for not having to work!!!

  15. I want in on the top secret ish. I totally have clearance.

    Happy Beer for Will did he LOVE IT :).

    Congrats on winning, you totally deserve it.


  16. Your 4th of July top is so cute!! And woohoo got tablets and laptops!:)

  17. so happy to hear the fires are contained!! i know that must be a very scary thing to have to worry about!!! and the biggest blog giveaway!? girl i have been trying to win it big but no luck yet :-( and a blog GF!? i def wish i had one of those!! LoL

  18. Congrats on the winnings!! and glad the fires have calmed down!

  19. I love mail!! Especially when I have won something! Great feeling. Awesome! Your looking great!

  20. Congrats on that giveaway girl!

  21. When I saw your name on LIY as the winner...I squealed out of excitement for you :) SO AWESOME! You most definitely deserve that girl!

    Here's to a good week, yeah?!

  22. Love you and your "beer" but love the outfit you're wearing even more! It looks great on you! I can't wait to hear about your Messy Project!

  23. OMG!! that IS like winning the lottery. congrats girly, you deserve it!


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