Thursday, July 19, 2012

Me And An Apron....

I must admit, I am in a daze after yesterday.

This is why I am VERY thankful that you can find me over at The Lovely Little Things.
Jessica put me in the hot seat with a little interview, but you will have to go check it out to see what it's about! I promise that she is the cutest little button, and you can't help but fall for her.
Go see for yourself.

Now the obvious reason for my daze is the big reveal of the Messy Project, which I am so thankful that y'all enjoyed, but the other part is a little more...interesting.
This next picture might really surprise you, but since I still can't tell you where I work, I will just let your minds wander. I will say that this isn't my normal job, but that's all you are gettin'!


I wore that apron for nine hours yesterday, but it was so fun to try something new.
Do you ever do that? Decide to do something just for the experience?
It may not be glamorous, but not all life experiences are...Sometimes you gotta get down and dirty!
At least I can mark it off my bucket list!

Thanks again for all the kind words yesterday, and don't forget to check me out on The Lovely Little Things. You might find that I am a big dork, but I'm just fine with that ;)
Now I'm off to recuperate, because I am slap wore out!


  1. I LOVE that braid! I bet it was nice to have a little bit of change in scenery at work!

  2. Glad you got to cross another something off your bucket list. My guess is that this was some type of volunteer work...and I agree with Alana..adorable braid! =)

  3. You are tooo cute just found you off of lovely little things - love jess! ANYWAYS i am very excited to be your newest follower YAY

  4. well, that's the fun in the adventure isn't it? let's get down and dirty!

  5. Ummmm I love love love love this! Way awesome and great stuff. i can't wait to hear about it!

    xoxo you look PRECIOUS in that outfit btws

  6. just found your blog and i love it! you are so adorable

  7. Your hair is so long! Pretty.

  8. I know what your job is, so I have a pretty good idea why you wore this :)

  9. I came here from Lovely Little Things, I'm so glad to meet a new blogger! I'm looking forward to following your blog :)

  10. you still look adorable! love the braid! i wonder though what you were doing...hmmm i know where you work...i wonder...haha love you gf!!!

    xox Kelly

  11. Your really leaving us hanging on the fence post aren't you lol. You can rock anything girl, you look super cute in the apron!!!!

  12. You are so precious! How do you look adorable in an apron?!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!