Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Little Things...

Sometimes: It's the little things that mean the most.
Always: I'd rather find happiness in the little things, than bitter about everything.

Sometimes: Someone questions my character or motivations.
Always: We must never put stock in the misguided judgments of others. 

Sometimes: I doodle on my notebook like a schoolgirl.
Always: I feel more like an adult when I can do it in Wordle form.
Sometimes: I come across an image that can't be saved/downloaded.
Always: I beat the system and take a screen shot.
(Hallelujah- it's not just for iPhone!)

Sometimes: I feel at a loss when it comes to what Apps to download.
(There are so many!)
Always: I love when bloggers make suggestions!


Thanks Amy! I'm totally diggin' the Marble Cam.

Sometimes: I take part in fun blog projects.
Always: I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve the day before.

Yep, that's right folks! Wednesday is the big day...
AND I CAN'T WAIT to reveal the Messy Project.
In case we haven't talked it up enough...you have now been reminded.
Hasta manana!


  1. ummm I'm SUCH a notebook doodler so thank you for introducing me to Wordler! This is so exciting. Hello, unproductivity ;)

  2. I love your wordle, so cute!

    Mean people are dumb and rude...you are gorgeous, classy fun and awesome!

    Yay new app!


  3. I'm so excited to see what this whole Messy Project is!!! And I agree that it's better to find happiness in the little things :)

  4. Yes to a ton of these things! Especially beating the system and taking screen shots haha.

  5. I've been known to take screen shots too. woops :)

  6. Love this first one!! Can't wait to see the reveal!

  7. i know. i love screen shots, too!!!

  8. Hey sweet girl! I nominated you for an award today!


  9. wordle is cute.. i doodle too much for life...

  10. Haha! I love taking screen shots! My husband taught me how to do that and it makes my life so much easier! :)

  11. i am always a kid the day before christmas!!! well really the whole month. i just love it!!! it seriously is all i talk about sept-dec bahaha! i hope you had a great weekend!!! the messy project?! huh? whats that? haha! i cannot wait!!!! i am beyond excited!!! loveyou! xoxo Kelly

  12. I love wordle! And yours makes me very happy!

  13. Totally agree about the apps! There are just SO many!!!! Thanks for linking up, pretty girl!!

  14. Woordle... I love it! My students use it all the time for this bumper sticker assignment. I found you through the link up. Check out my post if you get a chance. Loved your sometimes & always this week.

  15. I take screenshots all the time!! :)

  16. Wayyyyyy too many apps! Which ones do u have? I need new ones. Love you!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!