Sunday, July 22, 2012

From Clearance to Classy!

Today, I get to reveal what I have been working on, and finally finished this weekend!
And yes, Sami, this is my weekend update ;)
I think it turned out pretty cute!

I had initially bought the unit to go in the kitchen, but realized that it was too big for what I needed. It had been a clearance item ($9.99 woohoo!), so I held on to it. Part two of the story is that Will gets a new tv when he gets home, therefor I sold the old one and that left a hole on our entertainment center. Which leads us to part three: jazzing up the unit.


I wasn't really sure what to do with laminate covered particle board, so the only answer was MOD PODGE and textured scrapbook paper. It's like a DIY'ers form of duct tape.
At least in my house it is.


I didn't want to leave the edges white, so I mixed a light brown oil paint with a grey acrylic paint.
I know that is quite an odd combo, but it gave it the wood texture that I was going for. I ended up having to cover the edges with mod podge to seal the oil in, but it worked!


You may not be able to see, but the texture on the outside looks like leather, and turned out fabulous! As a matter of fact, I think it pulled the whole area together. What do you think?


And when asked if he liked it, Will replied "Where's my TV and Xbox?"
He's very lucky I knew he was kidding.


I was once told that regardless of how many Military moves we make, we should always make each house a home. I have truly taken that to heart, and I am so happy to have a haven for our little family. It's not perfect, the dust still accumulates, and the dishes aren't always done, but it's all held together with love. Can't wait to have you home, lover.


  1. looks super cute. i haven't been active w/ my hands and i feel pretty guilty about that. hope that changes this week.

  2. Love it! I've been trying to be more crafty, mostly just need to find the time. The cubbies look great tho! Good job!

  3. I was so excited to see how it turned out and it looks great!! Awesome job! And I live your decorations :)

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  4. It turned out great, I def. believe in making a house a home no matter home long you are going to be there. The area looks beautiful!!

  5. So gorgeous! Seriously, that area looks phenomenal. You have a wonderful decorative eye!

    Great work lovey!


  6. Wow, turned out fabulous! My last military move knocked the creativity right out of me--everything feels so temporary it's like WHY BOTHER?! This has definitely inspired me to get out of that mindset so thanks!

  7. It looks terrific! Love the color scheme you have going on! I have never used modge podge...guess I better give it a shot!

  8. Looks fabulous! I need a weekend where I can do all the DIY projects I've been wanting to do. And, yes, mod podge is my bff too!

  9. Girl you did GREAT! Love it all.

  10. I love the way it all came together. So cute. I have a whole pin board of DIY projects I need to work on. Seeing yours come together so well may inspire me to get started! :)

  11. Super cute, but maybe I'm dumb or missing something or something... um... you don't have a tv until he gets home? Not that it matters, just curious :)

  12. Um, I LOVE what you did to those cubes! I'm recruiting you to come help me decorate my place when I move, k? :)

  13. Amazing! I love how it turned out! It fits perfectly in with that space too :) I'm STILL working on a DIY from several weeks ago...woops!

  14. So cute! You did a great job!

  15. I love this!! Good job gorgeous!!

    M works freak if I moved his Xbox lol men

  16. Oh Janna!! It is SUPER cute!! Love it!!

  17. Omg I love it!!!! Turned out fabulous! I love your style. That green ladder is freaking adorable!! I love everything. But I knew you'd have good taste!! Xox Kelly

  18. That is adorable! Love the inside scrapbook paper! Come decorate my house!!


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