Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lovin' My New Blang!

Remember back when I won TWO giveaways in ONE week?
I am finally able to share my goodies!

My VERY first win-ever- was from Kelly @ Messy Dirty Hair!
She is a fairly new blogger, but is kickin' @ss and takin' names.
Needless to say, she got added to my Daily Reads, pretty darn quick!
And no it wasn't just because she bribed me bestowed me with this little treasure:

And THEN I got the news that I one ANOTHER giveaway from Lesley @ My Lively Mind!
We aren't just blog friends...Our friendship spans over several media outlets.
There have been times that we emailed, tweeted, and facebooked at pretty much the same time.
If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

I actually think that it was divine intervention that I won Lesley's giveaway. Considering how much I worry about my soldier? These are perfect!

I also snuck my goodies into my last photoshoot, and got these great photos of them!

And of course, they will be my new fave accessories.


Sometimes: I enter giveaways just to support the blogger.
Always: It's always a gamble, and gambling is fun.
(In moderation)

Sometimes: You think that you will never win a giveaway.
Always: You are more likely to win a giveaway than the lottery!

Sometimes: Winning one is cool.
Always: Winning two in one week is the best!

Sometimes: You connect with Bloggers more than people in your every day life.
Always: Bloggers like Kelly, Lesley, AND Meg touch you more than you could possibly imagine.

Thanks again, ladies!
You are truly the BEST.  I can say that, because no one else has let me win a giveaway.
*Hint, Hint*


  1. Oh my sweet goodness! You are so beautiful! I love your new bling!! You completely rock it!

  2. Glad you like them (:
    Your new photos are so SEXY! You're always up to something fun.

  3. WOOOHOOOOO!!!! congrats my LOVE!!!

    LOVE the bangles and you look hot in your pics! :)

  4. What great prizes, you are a lucky lady! Love the pictures.

    Thank you for your visit to my blog and voting for me. You are the best! :)

  5. Great prizes. Guess it was your lucky week. I love winning stuff.

  6. Love your new jewels!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  7. Gorgeous pictures!!! I love reading new blogs. I am currently doing a giveaway on my blog! Check it out!! http://alongcameeleanor.blogspot.com/2012/05/my-sisters-and-i-are-so-excited-to-do.html

  8. Love the bangles and the ring!! Do you know where they got them?

    Hey, I was pulling for ya to win my giveaway :) It just wasn't meant to be this time...but there's always next time!

  9. This post is soo sweet. Love it, giveaways are so fun. Love them, and you!

    Hows the mister?


  10. OMG!!! you are so freaking gorgeous!!!!! like stunning!!! these photos of you are beyond beautiful!!

    im so glad you love the bracelets! they look fab on you!

    thanks for including me in your post today lover!!!


  11. OMG!!! you are so freaking gorgeous!!!!! like stunning!!! these photos of you are beyond beautiful!!

    im so glad you love the bracelets! they look fab on you!

    thanks for including me in your post today lover!!!


  12. Lucky you! :)

    I've also been winning giveaways and it's been pushing me to join more and give more away. I'm so excited to have my 2nd giveaway on my blog!


    New follower!

  13. Wow, you won some great treasures and that's awesome you got them in and rocked them in your photos. And I think you're right, you're more likely to win a giveaway than the lottery!

  14. cute! cute!

    yes, i have liked your facebook! :) :)

  15. I never enter the give aways because I always think Ill never win. Lol. Maybe i should start. you look great by the way =)

  16. The bracelets are beautiful and def. make for the perfect accessory. Your photo shoot pictures are breath taking!!!! Congrats on your win as well girl!!!

  17. Hahahaha, your last hint hint made me laugh!! Love the bling! I have won a few giveaways and it really is so exciting!! My husband is always like, "you give random people our address? Awesome." Haha!! Poor hubs!

    Thanks for linking up! I love YOU!!

  18. Congratulations on your two wins! The ring and bracelets are gorgeous :D Lucky! Making new friends and keeping touch in the process is fantastic also!

  19. I recently won 3 in the span of a few weeks and it made me want to return the love! I think giveaways are a great way to give a little love back and get some of the shadow readers out to comment. I love making new bloggy friends.

    Gorgeous pictures and great wins!

  20. Gotta love WINNING! And blogging buds! ...You're gorg. Do you tan or use self??


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!