Sunday, May 6, 2012

I Have So Much To Tell You!

How was everyone's weekend? 
I hope that you all had fabulous Cinco De Mayo's, while I was slaving away.....
Weeeeell, work was actually easy on Saturday, but I did serve a LOT of Coronas. Ole!

There was so much fabulousness last week, that I have decided that I must bring it to you in a few posts. Let's just start at the beginning, shall we?

Wednesday started with my Blate with Zara, and there was much anticipation! We had been facebooking, tweeting, and texting for two weeks about it...
Since we became blog friends over a year ago, I just knew that we would eventually connect.  Unfortunately, it happened AFTER she moved to Arizona, but I GUESS I'll forgive her, since she comes back to Colorado to see family.

While Weiser and I were on our way to Denver, Aurora was the PERFECT stop for a coffee Blate.

As you can tell, Weiser was just as excited as I was.

When Zara showed up, the conversation flowed like we had known each other forever! We enjoyed the gorgeous weather and chatted away about anything and everything.  As a matter of fact, we may have come up with a cool blog challenge to do together...Hopefully, it will happen in the very near future!  Either way, we are hoping that this is just the first of many encounters.  I still find these connections crazy, but they are so fun and refreshing!
You gotta love blog friends....

This girl is super smart, beautiful, a talented photographer, working on her Masters, and I am happy to now call her an IRL friend. 
PS. She too, had to squat down to my level for the picture...
All you tall bloggers are starting to give me a complex!

After that, Weiser and I checked in to The Curtis and got ready for dinner:

I was feeling a little funky that evening, so I did my hair accordingly:

(I have super white teeth...I guess Arm&Hammer really works!)

We, as in my old boss/friend, went to dinner at Kona Grill, and as always, it was amazing.

After we were fat and happy -bad idea considering I had to wear a bikini the next day, but oh-freakin' well- we decided to call it an early evening. Thursday was going to be a big day, so I needed my rest!

We then headed back to the hotel, and I took Weiser for a little stroll to let him relieve himself enjoy the ambiance of Denver.

On that note, I will leave you hanging, so that you come back tomorrow!
I hope that you are ready...


  1. I'm loving your "funky" hair :D

  2. Aw, looks like it was a great weekend!! Love blates!! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  3. Fat and happy in a bikini! No problem. I know you will look great anyways!! Looks like a fun time.

  4. You look amazing as always! Teach me how to do my hair like that! PS- If I come to CO, I want to get together.

  5. I love Weiser's collar and leash! Where did you pick those up? I love that you did your hair a little funky. And that food looks so darn good!

  6. blates are so so much fun!! glad you had a great time and that shrimp dish looks amazing

  7. Oh you are so pretty and I love your hair. Feel free to fix mine anytime you like :) lol :) Mine is either down, half up or all up. That's it :)

  8. Baking soda? My sis did that, does it really work?

    I'll also take the details on your shoes, amazing.


  9. I love your funky do! And am jealous of those pearly whites!

  10. Glad you guys got to meet up! And girl, I love your shoes! Aaaand I'm excited to hear your news!

  11. Absolutely love that outfit! And the hair is totally cool! Love it. Cute posin.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!