Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Hubs is visiting....On the blog!

Today I feel a little extra lovey-dovey, so I want to share a Q&A that I did with my HUBBY.  I was so excited that he was willing to play along, and even more excited when I read his sweet responses.  He is traveling this week, so keep him in your thoughts. Please and thank you!

1. What do you see in the future for us?
Retired in Pensacola with a little bar and a B&B attached.
2. What is your favorite thing about me? (Keep it PG please ;)
Your such a strong and independent woman, who just happens to still
need me to take care of. It's nice to be needed.
3. Complete this sentence: My wife has more _________ than anyone I know.
Your hair stashed in my clothes and on my person, that I often find
creepily while at work. OR, three weeks after I have left home for JRTC
and washed the said garment several times. Haha.
Yep, I mark my territory shed a lot.
4. What is your favorite thing I cook?
There are many things, that shrimp dip, mashed cauliflower,
homemade pizza, and the list goes on...
5. What is your favorite memory of us?
Going on our cruise...all of it.
6. When did you know I was the one?
 A month and a half in, you know that. I told you silly
Still good to hear <3
7. Do you like my blog?
Of course I like your blog. Makes me feel important when I get mentioned.
8. How do you explain me to other people?
My hot blonde bikini model who happens to be my CFO.
 9. What makes you think of us?
Everything. The wind blowing hard makes me think of us cuddling on
the couch with a movie; warm sunny days remind me of us by the pool in
Florida; sappy movies remind me of how you have made me like some
chick flicks I never thought I would; crock pots remind me of our
kitchen and all the delicious meal we made together, and the list goes on.... 
(The question was actually what "movie", but I liked his interpretation better)
10. Since we don't have a "song", what do you think would be a good one for us? 
Tim McGraw, Dont take the girl. It personifies how I feel and how my
life wouldn't be the same without you.

Sometimes: Couples don't make it through deployments.
Always: It isn't even hard for us, because we are so dedicated to each other.

Sometimes: People ask me how my husband keeps me happy from The Stan.
Always: I tell them that making him happy, makes ME happy.

Sometimes: I think that the majority of society are too selfish to have good relationships.
Always: I find good relationships in the blog world, and it reinforces why I love it. 

Sometimes: Girls ask me if I am trying to make them jealous by talking about Will.
Always: I tell them that I simply want them to know how good relationships can and SHOULD be.
I would like to say, the last girl that asked me that, is now in an AMAZING relationship with a very handsome gentleman. I know she sometimes reads this blog, so "Hi, Lily!"


  1. This is so cute! You and your husband are adorable!

    I have to agree with you about how the majority of society are to selfish to have a good relationship. Also if girls want to be jealous that you talk about Will let them be! You should and I am sure you are proud of the relationship you have with your hubby!

  2. You two make the cutest couple!!!!
    I love the first Sometimes / Always bullet point abt deployment and being dedicated to each other.
    PS: let me know when you get that Bar with a B&B set up and we will come for a visit!!!!!

  3. This is so great that you got him to post something on your blog.

    Haha... My hubby is always finding my hair a lot too. I shed too lol

  4. I love this post! yay for happy relationships!! :)

  5. Oh my goodness...so sweet! Love this. I am with you on the hair - my hubs would definitely say the exact same thing. I need to give him this Q&A one day!

  6. I love post like this! Your hubby seems to be such a sweetheart! Lucky girl :)

  7. Ummmmmm can we say presh to the ISH! So glad y'all found each other and are getting through this deployment so well.

    Love how he loves you and love how you love him!


  8. Love it! And I'm pretty sure my husband says the EXACT same thing about my shedding.... Haha, you guys are too cute!

  9. Super sweet, and you're right, everyone deserves a good relationship!

  10. Ummm ok I know you said no brothers but ill take a friend! OMG how sweet is he! http://historyinthemaking.blogspot.com/

  11. Aw your hubs is too sweet!

    I definitely agree with the majority of society being too selfish to have a good relationship. I see that all the time.

  12. Oh gosh, I shed like a freakin dog! hahah! I love how you & Will are so strong!

  13. sooooooooooooooooooo sweet! gag. ;)

  14. Awe I love the Q&A session with your hubby! You can tell from his answers how much you mean to him :) I love the ecard pic you have posted its so true lol! I knew of a lot of couples that didnt make it through deployment. I hated deployment but never once did I feel like we werent going to make it! The reunions are always the best and make the time apart worth it!!

  15. Awww - so cute and so sweet! I love this post! :)

  16. You're absolutely right that people are selfish in relationships! Instead of always asking "What can I get out of this?" You should be saying "What can I do for the other person?" It takes a lot to admit when we're being selfish, but I know when I finally admit it, my husband absolutely appreciates it!

  17. Love this!!! You two are so cute together. Love it!


  18. ya'll are so cute! i am so glad it isn't tough for you to be away from each other. ya'll obviously have a very strong relationship!

  19. This is so cute! A Q&A with your hubby? Really cute (:

  20. Omggg I love this q&a how freaking cute! And how adorable is ur hubby & his answers! Love it!

  21. Aw, this Q&A is awesome! He sounds like a total sweetheart!! You guys make a great team!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  22. shut. the front. door.

    um, this is THEE sweetest thing I Have EVER EVER read. Don't take the girl as his song to you?!?!??!?!!?

    you are one lucky girl :)

  23. ps. Im so stealing this idea and having my husband do it. I will go out on a limb and assume that his answers will NOT be as sweet as your hubbys.

  24. This is so absolutely precious!!! Ahhhhh, I love love!!!! I agree...we should share how great "right" love can be for all those who are waiting/struggling to find it.

    Thanks for linking up!!

  25. Aww your hubby is so sweet. I LOVE this post and am sad that someone would say that just because you have a good relationship...that ain't right.

    I like when you talk about your relationship..you're writing about what you love :)


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