Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Oldest Living Couple On Earth"

Recently, a blogger that I went to high school with, Erika, posted this link on love,
and I am so glad I checked it out!

Who better to ask Love advice, than the "Oldest Living Couple" in the world, with 85 years of marriage under their belts.

Here are my favorite bits from Herbert and Zelmyra:

Divorce was NEVER an option.
Respect, support & communicate with each other. Be faithful, honest & true. Love each other with ALL of your heart.
Remember marriage is not a contest- never keep score. 

"Everyone who plants a seed & harvests the crop celebrates together"
We are individuals, but accomplish more together.

Read the full article here.

I did a little time traveling and took a picture of Will and I when we are OLDER than Herbie and Zel, and break their record...

We look good for 110 and 111, right?

In other news:
I won my FIRST giveaway this week, as well as my SECOND!
That's right folks- both in one week!

Kelly @ Messy Dirty Hair surprised me first, and then Lesley @ My Lively Mind the next day!
I had JUST been thinking that I would never win and BAM!
 I guess I had extra good karma ;)

Ps. I have a little surprise up my sleeve for tomorrow...Don't miss out!


  1. This is really amazing, I saw the article on line the other day.
    ps: I think you two look great for being in your 100's!!

  2. What an amazing article! I love that there are STRONG marriages out there for people to look up too!

    You and will are looking mighty fine girlfriend!


  3. BAHAHA! Great pic of y'all! I loved this article, new follower!

  4. That is a fabulous photo of you guys :). Definitely frame that one :). But how cool would it be to be married that long, seriously!

  5. your photo is hilarious! lol. I love the article. I think divorce should never be an option..Love is an amazing thing.

  6. that photo is so funny!! and i seriously love reading about old couples. and i totally agree with all of the advice.

    and congrats on winning giveaways! im still waiting to win my first... maybe one of these days ;)

  7. Congrats on winning! I won my first last week too! ...So strange, I happened to see your comment on my post in Blogger but it didn't notify me via email :\

  8. LOVE this post! So many couples are quick to throw divorce out there and it's not right! When times get tough we shouldn't rub that option in our spouses face!
    You two will be the best looking 110 year olds EVER!

  9. Hahahaha, the picture of y'all old made me laugh!!

  10. I am laughing out loud at that photo!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!