Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Second Blate!

Quite some time ago, Aim High Erin and I figured out that we live in the SAME town!
I'm not sure why we are only just meeting up, but since we live in the same neighborhood, it was inevitable that would would HAVE to have a Blate.

I'm pretty sure that Blate's and Fro-Yo go hand in hand, so that's what we did!

We fixed up our yogurt and then grabbed a seat on the patio, since Weiser came along too.
The weather did look a little questionable, but in true Colorado fashion- the sun came right out!

Once we got to talkin', the conversation just flowed, and we had a lot to talk about between blogging adventures, our #milspouse statuses, and married life.  One thing we didn't have in common? Height.
I'm talkin' homegirl is runway model tall, and I quit growing in middle school.
For example, here is the first attempt at a picture of us:

I still can't believe that we live SO close to each other, which means that another meet up is
probably in the cards...Erin, have you tried that Chinese place over there?
I'll meet you there anytime!

Weiser even said that he'll be happy to hang out again! would- if he wasn't zonked out right now. Haha.

Y'all please come back Tuesday, because it's a special day for me <3
I'll need your love, since Will won't be here.

PS. Check out my first Blate too!


  1. so fun that you live in the same town... i've only had one blate, but i am really hoping for more in the near future!!

  2. How neat!!! =) Totally wish I knew some other bloggers near me =)
    Much Love,

  3. Thats totally awesome that yall live so close each other!!!

  4. Blates are awesome! And so is finding out cool people live close to where you are! yay for new friends! :)

  5. WOOOOHOOO BLATES! Cant' wait for ours! xoxo

  6. Glad you had fun! wish we were close enough to have a blate! Have a great day girl!

  7. Aww how fun! Weiser looks so cute in that picture with you! What's Tuesday?!

  8. Thats awesome u were able to meet up! Wish I had time to meet up with bloggers! Sounds like fun. Wonder what Tuesday is??

  9. So cool! I've not had a blate. Nobody lives in So Cali!!!

  10. I LOVE meeting other bloggers :) such a fun connection to have with another person, haha looks like fun!

  11. LOVE LOVE LOVE that yogurt place!!!

  12. Jealous! Over your blate and that froyo!

  13. Love Erin, so jealous! haha and Blates and Froyo do go hand in hand ;)

  14. Awww, y'all are so cute! I want to meet you! No fair!!!

  15. Awh, thanks Fran!

    I'm ALWAYS ready for froyo part two! :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


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