Sunday, April 29, 2012

I Hope I Make It Through This Week...

Well y'all, I am smack dab in the middle of a VERY interesting week.

Here is the breakdown:

+Worked an MMA fight.
 +Followed by a Going Away party for Ashley @ WanderLustMe!

She is the one in the middle, top row.  She bought a one way ticket to Europe, and is starting a Travel Blog adventure! Sounds phenomenal, right?

I have a BLATE planned with Zara from Eat, Shop and be Married, while on the way to Denver for a quick work trip. We will be having a lovely coffee date, that I have been looking forward to for weeks!  Can you believe it? Two meet-ups in two weeks!
*Sidenote: Will asked why I was stopping on the way to Denver and when I told him that I was meeting up with Zara, he said- and I quote- "Two Blates in two weeks? Aren't you popular..."
I love knowing that he actually pays attention when I talk about blog stuff!

Big event followed by a big night out downtown.
Most of you probably know that I don't drink, but I promised the girls that I would this night.
 We have a party bus and a hotel, so I figured "Why not?"
I will be taking one of these, though:

I get REALLY bad hangovers, so let's hope this works like it did in college.
*Crossing my fingers*

Since we are going to stay at The Curtis, Weiser gets to come too!
They are dog friendly, which is why it is one of my favorite hotels. Plus it's gorgeous.

Come home and die, because I can't hang anymore.
Oh, AND I'll be announcing the winner of the Giveaway!
(You have until then to enter, so feel free)

OK, so I know I talked about work a lot, and VERY FEW of you know where that is....
Simply put- it's because, thus far, I have chosen to keep it to myself.
My main reason is because I try to keep this blog light, and I don't want anyone to categorize me based on a job, but now I have also realized that for safety reasons, I'd rather not put every detail of my life out there. If you follow me through other avenues FacebookTwitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc., you may just figure it out, but for now- that's it!
I will tell you that the "Event" in Denver is a Pageant.
MAYBE I'll tell you more about it later ;)

Wish me luck this week, I'm gonna need it!


  1. LOOOOOOVE girls nights! you are gonna have so much fun girlie!

    two blates?? SOOO JEALOUS!!!

    Happy Happy week sweetiepie!


  2. Sounds like you are quite the busy bee, missy!! :)
    And, there are hangover pills?? Why have I never heard of this before now????
    Hope you have an awesome time and dont get too hungover :)

  3. Sounds like a great week lady!!! :)

  4. Sounds like a great week lady!!! :)

  5. A one way ticket to Europe!? How awesome is that! Will def have to check her out! Have fun this week! I am sure you will though :) I love that you get to take your cute pup with you to the hotel!

  6. How did those pills work out for you? I hope you had a fantastic night out on the town with the girls :)

  7. Exciting!! I get really bad hangovers too - I pop 2 Excedrin MIGRAINEs and a grande coffee and that way I avoid death. :) HAVE FUN!

  8. I feel like I always get bad hangovers!! Good luck this week - I'm sure you'll rock it!! :)

  9. Blates! How fun!! Sounds like a great time. I love girls nights!!

  10. Yay for blates!! Have fun and enjoy every minute!! Can't wait to hear the recap!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  11. I cannot wait!!!!!!!
    It's going to be fantastic! Plus some shots of you and your baby!! :-) Once Will is back you will have to come down to Tucson!!!

  12. PS... on second thought. you should just come down to Tucson when you get a chance, with or without Will :-D

  13. I bet girls night will be sooo much fun!!

    I just followed you on twitter. I can't believe I wasn't before. My twitter is: imatriplethreat

    Happy Monday :)

  14. haha don't you love when the guys start to understand the blog world?! haha :) Two blates... aren't you popular... too funny :)!

  15. Umm none of your friends are ugly.

    Also I love pageants, so I hope you're competing, details details.


  16. ummmm why have I not heard about those hangover pills before?!?! That would have saved my life! And YAY for having a blate with Zara!! And I love that your hubs knows the blog lingo ha!!

    and wait, a pageant? Like beauty pageant?!?

  17. They make hangover pills? What?!
    What is a blate? Haha :)
    Hope you have a blast on your girls night!

  18. Never heard of hang over pills... and dang you have a busy week! I found you on instagram :). I'm boomerbear in case you wondered :). And sounds like you might have a pretty interesting job...

  19. you ladies look amazing! Let me know how the pills work.

  20. buying a one way ticked to Europe sounds amazing!!! but i def know i could never do that...yet! LoL

  21. What a fun weekend ahead!!!
    I have never heard of those pills....maybe I should look into them asap!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!