Friday, March 9, 2012

YOU Are ALL My Inspiration!

When I was deciding what to post about for my my only thoughts of what were getting me through this all of you...All of my amazing family, friends and bloggers that are  getting me through this transition. 

Words can't even describe how heartwarming and beneficial it has been to have so many kind words, thoughtfulness and true spirit. Y'all I didn't even expect all this.  

Perhaps an example of what touched me the most, would be that my phone rang on my first night alone, and it was my daddy.  I was quite surprised that he was up that late, and his response was that he hadn't called me to say good night in a while....Can it get any cuter than a dad calling his baby girl, just to say goodnight?

I received flowers, cards and gifts upon returning for work: 

I'm staying at my friend Emily's for a couple days, and helping her to take care of this lil' nugget is REALLY helping:

People keep asking me, if it has hit me that he has left, and I think it has- I just think that all of you are making it possible for me to stay positive.  I really just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  I don't know where I would be without you!  I hope that everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend, and I love you all VERY much <3


  1. we love you hot stuff! Stay strong! xoxoxoox

  2. we love you too Jana. and i'm here if you need to talk ;)

  3. Have a GREAT weekend! :) Hugs to you beautiful girl.

  4. We love you too!! :) Oh my, I saw my blog name on that Kony list, ha! That's exciting!! It has gone viral QUICK!

  5. Love you twin!! You know I'm here for you :) You need to come here for a visit!!

  6. aw i feel the exact same way. i get so much inspiration from you and so many other bloggers. i'm so thankful for this little community.

    just wanted you to know that i'm thinking and praying for you, girl. your right, thinking positive is always the way to go!
    have a fabulous weekend, homegirl!

  7. Hubby and I finally watched the Kony movie last night together. Glad you are keeping yourself busy. Have a good weekend and remember....nobody can stop time. Every day you get closer to your hubby.

  8. {{{HUGS}}}} wish we were at the same post!

  9. Hey girl! =) I'm so glad you posted...I was thinking about you yesterday and totally gonna send you a message and find out how you were doing. So glad you are staying with your friend, that little guy is adorable! =)
    Much Love,

  10. Praying for you and your hubby gorgeous girl. Hang in there.

  11. Aww such a sweet post! Hope the rest of your week goes splendid!


  12. Your dad is so sweet, and that little man is soo adorable.

    He'll be home before you know it!!!!!! Thank goodness for skype lol.



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