Monday, March 19, 2012

Ulitimate Wedding Week: We Eloped

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Visit Rachel here!

Have y'all seen this link up?  
I thought it seemed like SO much fun, and then I went "Wait a minute...we didn't have a dang wedding!"
Well, at least not in the sense that they are referring to.

I almost didn't participate, until I realized that I need to represent for the non-traditionalists out there.  This is about sharing you personal wedding experience, so that's just what I'm doing!

Who cares that these "Engagement" photos were captured after we were married?
Their essence is still pure...

If you want to see more, visit the "Our Fairytale" tab or go here.

My Engagement photo tips:
-The Photographer is key-  
A great one is WELL worth the money.  
If you are going to spend $ on them, invest in someone worth your money.  
We were lucky enough to have a very talented friend who did ours for FREE, which is an even better option!  As a matter of fact, I even shot my girlfriends photos on a point-and-shoot and with a little editing they were well worth the free pricetag ;)

 -Location, location, location-
 Choose a backdrop that works for you out of what is available to you.  You can do Urban, nature, rustic, country, etc. and make sure that it suits you!  Savannah was the perfect backdrop for Carmela and her soldier, and Maymont Park in Richmond, Va. was perfect for us!
Just have fun with them, that will come through your photos.

These are YOUR photos, so have fun with them!  People get wrapped up in stressing about every little detail, and although what you wear, location, which photographer to use, weather, etc. are important, what's really important, is that you allow your love to be captured in the photos.  Lose yourself in each other and you won't be disappointed <3

Thanks for stopping by!!

By the way, I have some good news and some bad news...
Bad news: Vegas got pushed back :(
Good news: I'm still getting paid for the trip AND now I get to go to my girlfriend's party!
It's a "Wig" party, so there will be AWESOME photos.

Now go see Pamela @ Pamela's Place, because there are just a few days left to enter her SWEET giveaway.


  1. The one where your husband is kissing your hand sitting down is my fave!! So gorgeous!!

  2. These are all too beautiful! I'm really starting to loathe the idea of wedding planning and all of the drama anyway! ;)

  3. Your pictures are all really beautiful and so sweet :)

  4. I love your pictures, I actually spent some time looking at your fairytale pics while I was sick. They made me happy!

    <3 your dresses and the love you share with your man!


  5. Looooove all the pictures :) You two are adorable!! Love your shoes!

  6. Your pictures are perfect, the love can definitely be seen between you two! My fiance & I are taking ours next weekend. I am not going to lie I am kind of stressing about it!!

  7. these are amazing!

    you are GORGEOUS!

  8. Ok twin've got some things to fill me in on! Vegas?! Did I miss something? And I am seriously in LOVE with your pictures! Y'all are such a gorgeous couple!!

    So, the real question is, does the hubby have a brother?? ;)

  9. Janna, your photos are fabulous!
    traditional or not,,
    who cares?!

    you rock

  10. These photos are AMAZING, Janna! You two are absolutely picture perfect! I almost like that you have "newlywed" photos instead of engagement photos. Thanks for sharing!

  11. These photos are beautiful! And I get excited any time I see VA on another blog :)

  12. I think the good news on the Vegas trip far outweighs the bad...which is cool. We didn't do engagement photos. The hubby didn't really want to and I didn't push it. I love yours.

  13. Awe these photos are so great. You guys really truly look in love. I love how you eloped , shows you care more about celebrating your love than a huge party! I'm hosting a giveaway today you should stop by!

    xx Kelly

  14. You are simply STUNNING!!!!!!!!! I loved your pictures!!!!

  15. Girl, you are absolutely beautiful! Your photos are breathtaking and you both look so happy. Love your blog!

  16. Beautiful pictures - I definitely feel the love!! :)

  17. These are beautiful photos! You both have such gorgeous eyes!

  18. Eloped, love it. Beautiful pics too.


  19. Your engagement pictures are just beautiful, of course it doesn't hurt that you both look like models :) The one where he is kissing your hand is sweet<3

  20. I was just catching up on some of your posts & I noticed that your engagement photos were taken in Maymont Park. Did you guys live in the Richmond area for awhile? Was your husband stationed at Fort Lee?

    Love reading your blog!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  21. yall are so cute.

    i love the simplicity of the photos. perfect.

  22. These pictures are amazing!! I'm so glad you linked up! I think that's awesome you guys eloped!! And I agree, who cares that these were taken after... I bet you are SO happy you have them!!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!