Thursday, March 15, 2012

Throwback Thursday!


Welcome to "Throwback Thursday", which I am now in love with.
 It's probably because I love all things vintage and that ^ shade of blue, but that's neither here nor there.
We will just say it's because Monica is pretty awesome ;)

I don't have any true throwbacks in digital, so old skool it is!

I was a yittle chunkamonk!
Turning one:

^ That was my Great- Grandmother.  I still remember the way she smelled <3
{And her dog too, but he didn't smell so good.}

This was my babysitter:
{We are friends on FB now...How funny is that?}

Too COOL for school:
Those shoes? I.Die.

I'm the one who started the big sunglasses trend back in...
um...this would have been '86.

I have a surprise for y'all tomorrow. 
I am super nervous about it, so don't miss out on my anxiety! 


  1. love the last photo. too cute! waaayyy too cute. you're such a trend-setter. haha

  2. You were such a cute lil one!!! Cant wait to see what you have in store tomorrow!!!

  3. you were and still are a lil doll baby, so precious!


  4. How adorable! Aww, makes me miss my Granny (my Great Grandmother)! Love the sunglasses!

  5. this is such a fun link up!!! I have pictures that you would die over! ridiculous. You were an adorable baby. Oh and also, I tried finding you on FB and you dont exist! :(

  6. cute pics! love throw back days!

  7. Your little shoes are adorable!!! I love old fashions and trends that are now coming back in style. Did you have jellies when you were little? (Maybe its a british thing)....but aeropostale are selling them this summer....
    They might seem kinda hideous but my sis and I LOVE them as kids.
    Oh and I cant wait to hear your surprise =) =)
    Much Love,

  8. What cute pics!!! Gotta love those old vintage baby pics. Now a days kids are photographed and they are on the internet within minutes but it wasn't like that when we were kids.

  9. love the pic with the glasses! so cute! im stopping over from Monicas blog! i did throwback friday too!! Im your newest follower!

    xx Kelly

  10. Haha I always love seeing pictures of the past from people. Great!




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