Wednesday, April 4, 2012

2 Cats & Chloe

Hello my Lovelies~
Time is FLYING too quickly!
I hope that everyone's week is going great so far.

I am particularly pleased to be sharing Miss Susan with you today. She, like all of us in the beginning, was apprehensive about offering up her guest posting services, but I told her that being a baby blog (I say that lovingly because we ALL love babies) is all the more reason to put yourself out there!  I must say- I still get intimidated by other blogs, so I totally understood.
Sssshhhh. Don't tell anyone my secret!

I am SO happy that I asked her, because she came up with a great post for y'all!
We share a passion for traveling, which is fitting since I'm on vacay.
Wait till you see her pooch...

Ah!  I am so excited to be here guest posting for Janna while she is off enjoying her much needed vacay!
 I messaged her on a whim about doing this guest posting because, let's be real - guest blogging can be intimidating to tiny bloggers like me!
 She convinced me that I should take this opportunity to tell her awesome readers a bit about my blog and why you should totally swing by  2 Cats & Chloe and say hi!

Where in the world are my manners?!  I didn't even introduce myself!  My name is Susan!  You can find me and all my many adventures over at 2 cats & chloe. {Yes, I have two cats and a Chloe.  All of which are proud rescue animals!}  
I have been blogging for years, but I never really told anyone about the blog until 3 months ago.  I absolutely LOVE it because it's my creative outlet! And I adore everyone in the blogging community!  Y'all are by far some of the nicest people I've ever met!

This is Chloe.  The blog is her 15 minutes of fame.  She loves it.  Too much.
So you may ask what kind of adventures I partake in... and what you will be reading about if you stop by 2 Cats & Chloe.  Well....  I travel.  A lot.  Road trips, mission trips, backpacking trips, business trips... lots of trips, and sometimes graceful falls. 
I eat.  Paleo foods mostly.  No, I don't eat dinosaurs.
I craft.  Usually as my creative release at the end of a stressful day.  (Occasionally along with red wine!)  I am actually in the process of setting up an etsy shop.  I sell Pandora-style bracelets!  Cheap!

And of course I blog...about life with my 2 cats and Chloe.  (And my friends, family, and boyfriend - don't worry, I'm not some crazy cat lady who only talks about fur balls and litter boxes.  Eek!)
I truly love blogging.  And I hope my little blog will continue to grow and provide me with joy, entertainment, and friendships.  I would LOVE IT if you took a little trip over to my blog, looked around, and dropped me a line!  I can't wait to meet all of you!  Thank you so much Janna for letting me guest post for you today!  You rock!  xoxo 

How fun does she sound??
I am so happy that we have connected, and so happy that I was able to have her visit my blog.
It gives me that "big sister" feeling...if that makes any sense ;)
I don't know about y'all, but I LOVE taking care of my fellow bloggers and supporting everyone in any way that I can.  I feel like it returns back to me tenfold.
You get what you give!

Go check out her Etsy shop (find it featured on her blog today)
It is now officially open!


  1. Ah dear! You rock! :) Hope you are enjoying Florida! I will actually be heading there next week! Wanna guest post for me ;)

  2. Oooh those bracelets are SUPER cute! =)
    Also Chloe looks like a riot!
    Much Love,


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!