Saturday, March 31, 2012


Have you ever put in a captcha- and either guessed on the letter or were pretty sure you hit the wrong key, but it went through anyways?

I decided to put it to the test:

Yep, that's an "l" instead of a "d"
I'm sneaky like that.
Oh...and looky here:

I knew y'all wouldn't believe me, since you didn't believe me when I told you that the blog world HATES captchas. So BAM. There you go.

I think that is what you might call a false sense of security...just sayin'.

Don't get mad at me for this, because in spite of the fact that I HATE your captchas, I still comment on your blogs. It's only fair that I get to vent about it.
Am I right, or am I right?


  1. You are so Right!! I hate those things!! I spend so much time just trying to get the right letters (it's NOT just my eyesight) that i kinda lose the desire to comment at all some times!! I have yet to see it accept my confused attempts, but it would honestly make things a lot easier!!

  2. yes, you are right! i hate those too and it makes me just want to bypass comments, especially when you do type the wrong one and it makes you do another.

  3. I seriously hate that darn thing, I say its your blog complain all you want sista!!!!

  4. I hate those things too. I just took it off mine and changed who can leave comments. :) It's strange that it will go through even with the wrong letter in there.

  5. i completely agree! my blog doesn't have them, right? i tried to disable them and just wanted to make sure.

  6. I feel whenever I spell it close enough it works!!

  7. I think that the little captcha thingy only cares if you get one word right because I sometimes just type the first word and it publishes it anyway! Which I totally feel like I've wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what the heck it says!

  8. haha good call. I hate them too!

  9. Agreed. I passionately despise them. :)

  10. I definitely don't like those dang things!! I think if you only miss a few letters, it still publishes!

  11. hahaha. i say that, too... am i right, or am i right? and yes.. i hate those things, too!!!! and you're right... i do that tooooo! i guess and it does publish... there are some sites that won't let you... and then i ask for it to speak. hate 'em!

  12. I so hate it too. I removed mine long time ago already not to piss my readers.

  13. I have always wondered that too, especially with the new wording they use.


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