Thursday, March 22, 2012

Feeling A Bit Emo-tional...

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.

-Charles Dickens

This is the kind of view that makes me truly appreciate Colorado...
I get to look out of my bedroom window and find beauty, such as this.
The very bedroom that I share with my husband.
He may be absent at the moment, but I still feel his presence and that presence is what keeps this house feeling like a home.
Our home.
Not literally, but in the visceral sense.
Deeper than a cement foundation.
Stronger than the roof over our head.
A bond formed that does not require a home other than our hearts.

I was able to Skype with Will for the first time this evening.  
Just seeing his face filled my heart.
It has me a bit emotional (obviously), but not in a bad way.
We have 253 days left, as you can see on the countdown I have added to the left,
and we will get through it.

One day at a time.
One grainy picture at a time....


  1. Aww! Hang in there. Colorado does look perfect. I have always wanted to visit there!!



  3. You've got it girl ! Sending love your way ! Also, that Dickens quote is perfect, great choice of inspiration!

  4. Ohhhhhhhh my gahhhhhhhhhhh. Are you trying to make me cry?? I can not imagine, Janna!! Praying for y'all constantly!

  5. AW! Love your countdown! SO sweet! Praying!

  6. Skype saved me when my husband was gone. Hang in there lady!

  7. Hang in there! Ah Skype, I have a love/hate relationship with it, but still so thankful to have it to see the hunny. It sure does make any day that much better!

  8. You are doing awesome!!! yay for skype dates, we lived for them!!!

  9. But at least there is skype. Imagine 10 years ago when that type of thing didn't exist!!

  10. *hugs* thank goodness for technology!

    that colorado sure does look beautiful!

  11. I would as well feel delighted with such a window view. You must have beautiful morning all the time with that beautiful blue sky and green mountains.

  12. love that charles dickens quote.
    and you are one strong girl, janna.
    looking forward to following you!
    xx jes, newest follower

  13. Sending you hugs. Can't imagine being away from my husband that long. But hey at least when you see each other again there will be fireworks if you know what I mean? ;) bow chicka wow wow... hahaha

    Okay sorry, that was my lame attempt at humor :P

  14. Aww. Time will go by faster than you think. Maybe with spring and summer coming it will make things a bit better. Hang in there.

    ps. that's a cute pic of him. at least you got to see him even if it was grainy.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!