Saturday, February 18, 2012

We've got a visitor!

My father-in-law is on his way right now!

Everything is all ready for his arrival and we have the next four days off to spend with him!  He will be here through next Saturday, so the boys will play the rest of the week.  We are so happy to have some family in town...The last guests we had were back when Daddy and Marc came to visit.

Not only do we LOVE playing tourists here in Colorado, we LOVE the visitors that let us play tour guide!

Don't y'all want to come visit? I promise to take good care of you <3
Happy weekend, lovelies!


  1. I would love to visit. My goal is to see every state and I still havent seen Colorado. Now that I have a friend there, that needs to change!;) have so much fun with your father in law!!!

  2. nice pics! enjoyed yopur blog...

    hope yopu could visit my blog too....


  3. Hi Im a new reader! Where in Colorado do you live? I live in Colorado Springs!! It is always fun playing tour guide since there is so many places to go sight seeing!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!