Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Weiser Check-In

In case you are new around here, this is our wonderful adopted child!
We adopted Weiser last year, and he completes our little family.  

Like father, like son- I say...
They both love mommy's attention ;)

In all seriousness, since we don't have children- he really is spoiled rotten well taken care of.

Not only does he have a bed upstairs and downstairs, he now has new beds stacked upon old beds! 
We did it as a joke, but then he wouldn't move. He's a smart bugger, I tell ya. 

Not the best video ever, but I had fun trying out the Youtube editor...I decided I like  Windows Media better.  I could have also made it shorter, but I just couldn't leave out those eyes at the end.
So presh!

And in case you didn't know, our little man is a celebrity! Well, at least in the Weimaraner rescue world ;)
Mile High Weimaraner Rescue featured our mutt's success story.  Go check it out, and see how wonderful pet adoption is.  

Today, we are going to the Zoo.  That's gonna make for an extra special Tuesday :)  
Make sure you have a good day too...You deserve it!


  1. He is so sweet! We have spoiled dogs here too.

  2. he is sooooo cute! i have always wanted to adopt a dog. my bf & i have a black boxer & he is spoiled too! have fun at the zoo :)

    xx :: ashlyn

  3. He is so freaking cute!!! I love that sweet little face and you can tell that he loves you very much! Smart cookie getting on top of both beds!

  4. I absolutely love this!! He is too cute!! Love all of the pictures!! Especially with the one of him & your husband at the computer, ha!

  5. That's pretty cool that you're the owner of a celebrity doggy ((: hehe! He's precious! Animals indeed need to be spoiled. I know my kitten (three year old cat) is!

  6. He is to adorable!!! I love our pups they are our "kids" and are spoiled rotten as well!!

  7. your dog is so adorable! i love him!

  8. Your dog is too adorable! He seems to have his very own personality :)

  9. adorable! rescue dogs are great. it's such a sweet gesture.

  10. Aw what a cutie! :) I am anxious to get me a dog real soon! :) Love the photo editing and the video :)

  11. He is incredibly cute!! Yay for new pups - and you that last picture of you is stunning!

  12. adoption is great! i adopted my cat piper from the shelter 5 years ago and girl has seriously been such a blessing. i know she was meant for me.

    love this post.

  13. Adoption is so the way to go for pups, love them, and yours is soooo beautiful. SO happy for you all.



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