Thursday, February 16, 2012

V-Day Recap

You saw that I decorated for the hubs that morning, then we both had to go to work.
Too bad Valentine's Day isn't one of those kind of holidays...
It's OK, though. There was lots of candy and yumminess at work, there were many Valentine's text messages (including my love, Desiree) AND I got a card from Ms. P!nky!!

Will got off early, with dinner plans in mind, and when I got home he banished me from the kitchen.  I knew that meant he was cookin' up something EXTRA special.  Boy was I right!

But what I'm most happy about? The fact that this is the FIRST Valentine's Day that we actually have pictures together! Thank goodness for self timers and for the blinking light that got Weiser's attention.

We wrapped up the night by watching the movie Will got me for the occasion:
Yes, I know we are way late on this one, but I read the book first.

Fire in the fireplace, good movie, cuddling on the do the math for the rest of the night ;)


  1. YAY! SO happy you had a great day! THat dinner looks delish and the picture of all of you, HOTTIES!!!!


  2. Sounds like a perfect day!! Love your family picture... such a good lookin' couple!

  3. I love the family picture you got- so cute! Glad your v--day was special!

  4. whoo that does sound perfect. glad you two lovas had a wonderful vday.

  5. It looks like you had a great day together! Your dog cracks me up in that picture.

  6. love the family picture~! I'm pretty sure that we dont have a single picture together for valentines day, easter, mothers day, pretty munch every holiday. So frustrating! Ooo!! How was the movie? I wanted to see it, but I just could not stay interested in the book, so I wasnt sure about the movie.

    ps- you two are such a beautiful couple!

  7. What a nice V Day! Special but not over the top.

  8. i know. i love self timers, too!

    your dish looks so delish!

  9. Water for Elephants is one of my favorite movies right now! :)

  10. Aww sounds like the perfect V-Day and love that you got cute pictures together - you both look lovely! ;) I LOVE Water for Elephants - SUCH a great book! :)

  11. now that is a good vday--i still need to see that flick!


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