Friday, February 10, 2012

Mama and her Boys

Welcome to the first guest post, that has EVER graced Perception Is Everything!!
Desiree, that means that not only will you be forever in my heart for being the FIRST blogger that I ever traded phone numbers with, but also the first guest poster ;)
Do y'all love Desiree as much as I do?  If you don't know her yet, you need to go check her out!  For now, enjoy this awesome post that she is sharing with us.


Hi everyone! My name is Desiree and I blog over at Mama and her Boys. I'm so happy that Janna asked me to do a guest post. Although, I will admit that when she asked me to do this I thought, Oh crap! I'm boring, what will I talk about?! :) I kind of forget to talk about things besides my 2 boys, but you can read more about them here.

I'm not even quite sure how I found Janna's blog, but she instantly became one of my favorite people and I feel like we have been friends forever. Isn't she just the sweetest? I always look forward to catching up on what's going on in her life.

While I do feel like she lives right down the street, she doesn't. She is in Colorado and I am in San Francisco. Come visit me, Janna! 

Have any of you ever been to San Francisco? I love it here and our city seems to be getting a ton of attention these days, especially with the Bachelor having been filmed in Napa. I am not watching this season because those women seem insane (no offense if one of you were on there), but I hear that it's quite the season.

I was actually up in Napa last weekend for one of my best friend's bachelorette parties and we had a great time. We stayed at an amazing hotel called Hotel Luca. The rooms had huge cozy beds, an enormous bath tub, luxurious fluffy robes, and even heated floors in the bathroom. It was ridiculous/amazing! 

A few of the girls went up for two nights, but I was only able to make it the second night. We went wine tasting at 3 different vineyards (my favorite was Scribe), we ate at Morimoto which was phenomenal, enjoyed the sunshine, and had some nice girl time. 

If you are ever in the area and need some recommendations, I would be happy to suggest some great wine tasting spots! "In Vino Veritas" who am I kidding.. I don't know Italian, but I did look it up and it means, "In wine there is truth". Sounds dangerous! ;-)

the beautiful bride to be on the left and me on the right. Kimmy (the bride) is more than a friend, she is family. In fact, she is my oldest son's Godmother. I cannot wait to see her get married next month.

The 3 of us have been friends for 6 years

She's so gorgeous, I think she must be a celebrity in hiding...Can't you see her in a movie or something??
As a matter of fact, go check out the wedding photos that she posted yesterday. You will DIE!

I think we should plan a blogger meet up in Napa, eh?  I have been there and it is JUST as cool as it looks!  Maybe I'll show you my California pictures soon...

I love you Desiree and I hope that we all have a great pre-Valentaine's weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Great guest post!! I love all of the pictures. I've never been to San Francisco, but I would love too!


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