Saturday, January 28, 2012

Automated Response: VACATION

Ok, so maybe it's just a mini-vacay...but I'll TAKE IT!  The Army wouldn't let us take a real vacation before deployment, so weekend vacations it is!

If I worked in an office and had an automated response right now, it would probably be something along these lines:
(Well, only if I worked with all bloggers...otherwise it would be creepy)

I'll be back soon AND my computer should be back in action around that time, too! I am missing y'all this weekend, and it's only a few days...I can't imagine if I had to be gone for longer!

I feel ridiculously cheesy right now, so I'm gonna go...yeah...

Oh, but go check out my BFF Desiree, while I'm gone.  She completes my life right now.
For real.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!