Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award!

So the other day, I saw this award, and thought "Hmm...what a cool award! I wish I had gotten it." Then yesterday, I get a message from my Blog Twin Sarah over at Simply Sarah and, low and behold, she awarded it to me!  I already think she is amazing, so this is just icing on the cake ;)
If she hadn't already been nominated, she would be on the top of my list, so make sure you check out her blog!

Ok, now for the rules-
* Nominate 15 fellow bloggers
* Inform them of their nomination
* Share 7 random things about yourself
* Thank the blogger who nominated you
* Add the Versatile Blog Award picture on your blog post

You simply MUST check these ladies out!  
1. Ashley @ WanderlustMe
2. Amanda @ Marshalls Abroad
3. Ashley @ Sloanbook
4. Courtney @ From Here To Eternity...
7. Erin @ Every Branch
8. Bon Bon @ The Whim Wham Life 
9.  Meg @ Mackey Madness
10. Sierra @ Ocean Dreams
12. Alycia @ Crowley Party
13. Kandice @ Here We Are
15. Emily @ meme & he
My random facts in Sometimes & Always form, because I'm creative like that:

1. I LOVE to grocery shop.  
Sometimes: I walk into the store for one item.
Always: After that 2 hours I might walk out with a car load or I may still only get that one thing, but I know it was 2 hours well spent.

2. I HATE when people use "seen" when they should be changing the tense to "saw".
Sometimes:  I don't care to be a grammar nazi, so I don't speak out against it.
Always: My biggest pet peeve is triggered when people make this simple mistake, and it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me.

3. I don't like to drink.
Sometimes: I think a pina colada or a glass of Sangria sounds yummy.
Always: My stomach tell me no, and this makes my husband and his buddies happy, because they always have a D.D.

4. I HAVE to wash my face twice a day.
Sometimes: I don't wash it right away in the morning.
Always: It's washed as soon as I get home.  I don't wear foundation or even powder, but there is just something about that clean feeling and I can't  stand to have a dirty-from-the-day face.

5. I went to a preschool that had a petting zoo.  No lie.  
Sometimes: I didn't go to daycare much when I was little, because my grandmother took care of me.
Always: When my grandmother would take me by this preschool every now and then I loved to play with the kids, and more importantly, the animals.

6. I have an entire closet ROOM and over a 100 pairs of shoes.  
Sometimes: People would probably assume that I am materialistic or high maintenance after seeing my closet room.
Always: I actually spend less money than Will does. I just shop on sale and buy classic pieces that don't go out of style. I used to shop A LOT, but now I have a lot better things to do with myself ;)

7. I have sung in two bands and joined in with several others.
Sometimes: I wish that I had gone farther with my voice.
Always: I realize that it was a fun dream, but not so realistic.  I'll simply remember that those were great times that I will be happy to relay to my grandchildren.

And a bonus, triggered by the hubs:
I smile from ear to ear when Will pulls me to him and says "Mine."  Yes, it's kind of caveman-ish, but I don't care since I am, after all, completely his forever and always...Don't hate me because I am head over heals; I can't help it.

I wish I could give each and every one of you a blog award, but in due time that just might happen!
*hinthint* The more awards I get, the more you will get.
j/k   sortof  ;)


  1. A petting zoo? That sounds incredible! :) Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  2. Aww :) You are so awesome! Make sure you stop by soon for my giveaway....I think you're gonna like it!!

  3. Congratulations!!! :) I am the same way with my face! There is nothing like a clean face!

  4. Thank you so much! And, like you, I'm a huge grammar dork and can totally relate to this! Loved learning these fun facts, and thanks again!

  5. Thank you soooooo much! I hate to grocery shop....hate spending so much money on food, haha! Thus, I love spending my money on shoes and clothes. Your closet...er room sounds amazing!

  6. Hahahaha, girl, you are SO cute! I love that you incorporated SandA into this!! You totally deserve the award! Thanks for passing it on to me! And I would smile too when he said "mine." There's something cute about a man claiming his woman!! : )

    Thanks for linking up!!

  7. Thanks so much for the award love and I'll try to post it on my blog soon!

    I too have to wash my face at least twice a day and grocery shopping is SO much fun, except I can't go when I'm hungry, lol!

  8. Awwhhh thanks so much for the info girlie!! Helpful! Where would you reccomend to visit first? We're looking for a romantic type of get away since we both have been nonstop workaholics for the past year and haven't even taken a HONEYMOON yet!! Ahhhh! Freaking out here. Didn't realize how fast time has gone! Well I guess when you're happy and you're married, time ceases to exist ;)

    Please forward me along your friends travel website, I would more then LOVE to check it out! I'm all the way in British Columbia, Canada!

    Thanks again, lovely!

  9. I am a total grammar Nazi! My husband loathes it! (:

    New follower!

  10. You are the SWEETEST! Thank you for passing the award on to me :)
    And can I please come raid your closet room of shoes?! Jealous :)

  11. I am your newest follower from Sometimes & Always! I love your about me page! You sound you're going to be so much fun to follow. I look forward to reading more from your blog! Happy New Year

  12. Thanks hon, you're too sweet! One of these days we should really meet up, at Safeway or Walmart - you know, the usual haunts around here! ;)

  13. Thanks for passing the award on to me girl! You are way sweet! So funny. I dislike grocery shopping! Maybe because I suck at cooking. But I am always wandering around, where the freak is ___ and I have no clue what the random weird ingredient is haha. I TOO love shopping! I have calmed down though now that I'm married and I can't just use all my $ on clothes but still it sucks hahah. Happy new years!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!