Saturday, December 10, 2011

My First Giveaway!

It is one week until my Blogiversary!  To celebrate- I would like to thank my lovely readers with a GIVEAWAY! 
 I am proud to be able to provide y'all with this beautiful jewelry as a gift AND to promote my beautifully talented sorority sister and her oh-so-cute jewelry!  She even let me choose what to give away and I thought these Dragonfly earrings were to-DIE-for!  Not only that, but to me they are symbolic of what I hope my Blog will bring to you.  Dragonflies symbolize maturity, depth of character, defeat of the self created illusions, power, poise and simply living in the moment.  As you will see, Danielle truly stands for all of this as well, which is why I am so proud to introduce you to her work.!
(I could just eat her up!)

sim·ple [sim-puh] : not complicated.

Life in this world seems to be filled with difficult choices, so why does your jewelry have to be?  DeeGeesBeads designs are simple, yet elegant pieces that are hypoallergenic.  This way the most sensitive ears have something to wear!  Cluttering jewelry can distract from your look; DeeGeesBeads helps accentuate your outfit and the colors you’ve chosen for the day.  You make tons of choices, so why not make one that will make your day a little less complicated.  Earrings to make a simple statement, it’s quality not quantity.  Less is more at DeeGeeBeads, where simplicity reins. 

The artist behind DeeGeeBeads is Danielle Grombol.  Graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a B.A. in Computer Arts in Animation in May of this year, Danielle currently bounces between South Carolina [works as a nanny] and Florida [WDW cast member-as in Walt Disney World!].  She designs fun and creative pieces while she relaxes with her fiancé and two dogs!  DeeGeeBeads designs put a smile on Danielle’s face while creating them, and hopefully on your face while wearing them!

“Quality is a great business plan.”  - John Lasseter

Entry is simple and each comment counts as one entry:

 Leave comments on this post after you have completed any of these.  (Make sure you leave separate comments for each to get credit for each entry!)-

1) Followed this blog. New follower or old- either way counts as one entry!
2) Followed me, @Janna_Renee on Twitter.
3) Followed Dani, @DeeGeesBeads on Twitter.
4) Added her Facebook- DeeGeesBeads.
5) Check out her ETSY Shop and leave a comment with your favorite piece.

That's FIVE chances to WIN and you have until December 15th to enter!! December 16th the winner will be announced on the actual blogiversary ;)

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


  1. Hey GF! My Blogger is acting up, but I'm NOT missing out on this! Not that you can't figure out who this is, but to make it official- It's Mariah and I'm an "old" follower...Not sayin' I'm old fa realz..

  2. And for entry #2- I already follow you on Twitta' xo Mariah

  3. #3- My fave piece is the Ladybug earrings! You know my obsession with Ladybugs! (Did you tell her to make those for me?) xo Mariah
    ps. Blogger is pissin' me off!

  4. Wow, your sister has some pretty jewelry. I love the Orange/Green Turtle Earrings...I love turtles. :o)

  5. I also just liked you DeeGeesBeads on facebook.

  6. I already follow you, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win those pretty Dragonfly earrings. :o)

  7. Lovin' those glass pearl earrings!!


  8. These are beautiful! I'm a new follower

  9. I also follow you on twitter @mispris86


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!