Monday, November 21, 2011

A First "Blate"

The time has come to recount my Blate with Ashley from wonderlustme or shall I introduce you as Pandora? ;)

By the way Ash, That's ^ my favorite photo of you :)

I happened to have met this lovely and intriguing young woman this past year, and we have lately been growing as blog friends, which led us to a Blate.  Simple progression, right?  So simple that we should have thought about it a while ago....Alas, all is not loss for we have embraced our "Blating" status and can't wait for more!

Not only did we plan on some fabulous activities, we stumbled upon even greater adventures and bonded over deep and insightful conversation.  I feel that she is an old soul like myself, which is evident in our choice of Craft Fairs, exploring and afternoon tea.  We both have a passion for travel and exploration, so we are beginning our journey in Colorado, and who knows after that...There is no limit in our eyes <3

Sand Creek Craft Fair

Our friend Chelsey and her mom like to set up a table every week, and this is the first time that Ashley and I were able to go check it out.  Glad we did, because this fair was awesome!

 Then on to Downtown. 
 I'm always in awe of the urban scene on a background of Mountains....

Ashley then reminded me of this adorable lil' Tea House, that I never thought to go because it's not up the hubby's alley. However, it was the   perfect setting for our first "Blate".

A bit of shopping was also done, but we decided that we will have to set up another Blate for that, as the stores in Old Colorado city are far too fascinating to enjoy in what time we had left.

Needless to say, It was love at first Blate. 

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