Sunday, October 16, 2011

Instagram is Oh-so-fun.

Hello My Dearies!

I apologize that it's been a few days!  This month is kicking my butt, but no excuses here- I'll get back on my game ;)  So what have I been doing?  Well, work- as usual, getting back to dinners with the hubby, planning for the Double-baby-baby-shower I am throwing and trying to squeeze in time to celebrate my birthday with the hubz, since he won't be here for it...Oh yeah- and a wedding that I am in back home next weekend on top of it all. 

 It actually all caught up to me yesterday and I was a bit of a mess, but Will demanded that we take the puppy to the park and he managed to get to the bottom of my problem and EVENTUALLY I ended up in a little better spirits.  Although, I'm not sure if he lifted my spirits or the scenery did...take a look:

A little secret:  The only reason I wanted an Iphone was for Instagram #true story

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday!  Will and I are actually going to a couples photo shoot this afternoon, so I have to go get ready!

1 comment:

  1. so true.i'm thinking about getting an iphone for the instagram


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